How to Share Your Google My Business Link: A Step-by-Step Guide for Boosting Online Visibility

Are you looking to share your Google My Business link but not sure where to start? Look no further! In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of finding and copying your Google My Business link, as well as sharing it with others. Whether you want to encourage customers to leave reviews or simply promote your business, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and unlock the power of sharing your Google My Business link!

Understanding Google My Business and Its Importance

The digital era has transformed the storefront into a digital facade, where Google My Business (GMB) stands as a beacon, guiding potential customers through the virtual high street. This free tool provided by Google is not just an online directory; it is a comprehensive platform allowing businesses to paint a vibrant picture of their brand across Google Search and Maps. The ability to share your business link is a cornerstone of this service, offering a bridge between your business and curious searchers eager to discover your products or services.

Imagine a world where every query on Google could lead to your doorstep—GMB makes this a reality. The platform empowers business owners to take the reins on how they appear online. For small local shops or sprawling enterprises, the sharing of a Google My Business link is akin to extending a digital handshake to prospective customers.

Fact Details
Free Business Tool Google My Business is a no-cost platform facilitating the management of your business’s online appearance.
Customer Engagement With a GMB account, you can directly engage with customers, responding to reviews and updating essential information.
Local Visibility GMB profiles significantly enhance the online visibility of businesses, especially for multiple-location and local searches.

Securing a spot on Google Search and Maps is more than just about visibility; it’s about establishing credibility and building a relationship with your audience. When you share your Google My Business link, you are not only making it easier for customers to find you but also to trust you. It’s a digital validation, a nod from Google that your business exists and is recognized.

The path to mastering the art of online presence starts with a simple yet strategic move: sharing your GMB link. As we delve into the how-to in the following sections, keep in mind that every click, every shared link, is a potential customer, a narrative waiting to unfold, and a story of your business ready to be told.

Finding Your Google Business Profile URL

Embarking on the quest to locate your Google Business Profile URL is akin to finding the digital doorway to your establishment. This URL is not just a web address; it’s a beacon guiding potential patrons to your business’s online front. To begin, simply summon the power of Google’s search bar and enter your business name. Like a lighthouse shines through the fog, your Google Business Profile will emerge in the top right of the search results—a signpost for seekers of your services.

For those who prefer the cartographic approach, Google Maps offers an alternative route. Navigate your way to Maps and enter your business name in the search field. Upon locating your business, click on the ‘Share’ button as if you’re about to reveal a secret. A treasure chest opens, revealing the “link to share” bar—a URL that serves as both map and compass to your business realm.

As our digital odyssey continues, remember that each chain in the link is a potential connection to your next customer, a thread in the tapestry of your business’s narrative. With the URL as your sword and knowledge as your shield, you’re well-armed to conquer the online marketplace.

Use this newfound power wisely, and prepare to share this link across the realms of social media, email signatures, and beyond—wherever the quest for visibility takes you. But before setting forth, remember that the journey of a thousand clicks begins with a single URL—the one you’re about to copy and share with the world.

Armed with this knowledge, let us move forward, for the art of sharing your business review link on Google awaits, another chapter in this digital saga.

How to Copy Your Google My Business Link

Imagine the convenience of having your customers find your business with just one click. This is the power of your Google My Business link, a digital gateway that connects your enterprise with the world. To harness this potential, you must first learn how to copy your link effectively.

Begin your journey by signing into your Google Business Profile. Picture your dashboard as the control room of your online presence – a place where you can steer your business’s digital course. Navigate to the Menu and delve into the Business Profile settings. Here, you’ll find the Managers section, a list of individuals who help keep your online profile shipshape.

Within this section, you can adjust access levels by selecting the relevant person. Assign roles such as Primary owner, Owner, or Manager, depending on the level of control and responsibility you wish to delegate. Remember to click Save to secure your changes. These roles define how your teammates can interact with your business profile, so choose wisely.

For those who hold the reins as the primary owner, you possess the unique capability to transfer ownership. This feature is invaluable during times of transition, whether it’s passing the torch to a successor or restructuring your business’s administrative hierarchy.

With each step, you’re not just copying a link; you’re paving a digital path that leads customers straight to your doorstep. It’s crucial to manage this access prudently, as it affects how your business is represented online. Your Google My Business link is more than a URL—it’s a symbol of your business’s accessibility and commitment to customer engagement.

Once you’ve set the correct permissions and roles, you’re ready to share your business with the world. And so, with your link in hand, you stand at the threshold of expanding your business’s online presence, just a share away from connecting with your next customer.

Sharing Your Business Review Link on Google

Imagine a world where word-of-mouth could reach not just your neighbor but the entire globe. That’s the power of sharing your business review link on Google. It’s like unlocking a treasure trove of customer experiences for all to see, enhancing your credibility and potentially boosting your business. Ready to tap into this potential? Let’s dive in.

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First, begin your digital journey by navigating to Google Search. Here, type in your business name as if you were a customer curious about your offerings. Amidst the search results, you’ll find a beacon—a link showcasing the precious insights of those who’ve already patronized your establishment. This is where you’ll see the number of reviews that your business has accumulated over time.

Click on this reviews link, and you’ll be ushered to a page that sings the praises (or provides constructive criticism) of your business. At this juncture, look for the “Get more reviews” button. This is your golden ticket, the direct line that connects satisfied customers with your business profile, encouraging them to share their own stories.

Upon selecting this option, a unique URL materializes, ready to be copied with a simple command. This URL is more than just a string of characters; it’s a digital handshake inviting new customers to trust and engage with your brand. Take this link and weave it into the fabric of your communication—be it through an SMS, an email newsletter, or a social media blast on platforms like WhatsApp or Facebook.

Sharing this link is not just about increasing numbers; it’s about building a community around your business. Each review is a narrative that resonates with potential customers, influencing their decisions and shaping the future of your business.

Remember, in the digital age, your reputation precedes you. Make it count by actively sharing your Google business review link, opening doors to new opportunities and fostering a loyal customer base. And as you continue on this digital voyage, stay tuned for more insights on how to amplify your presence and reach with your Google URL.

Sharing Your Google URL

In the digital era, sharing information swiftly and securely is pivotal to maintaining the flow of business. Your Google URL is a gateway for others to view and interact with your documents or business profiles. Here’s how to share your Google URL with finesse and precision.

Imagine you’ve crafted an impeccable Google document, a repository of insights that you’re eager to disseminate. You’re at the cusp of collaboration, ready to unveil your work to peers, clients, or a wider audience. The process begins with a simple click on “Share” within your Google document.

Next, navigate the share settings to a pivotal choice: “Anyone with the link.” This ensures that your document is accessible without the need for a Google account, broadening your reach. Copy this link with a swift keystroke and stand ready to plant it across the digital landscape wherever your audience congregates.

Now, you may wish to safeguard your document, allowing viewers to marvel without altering a single character. To do this, venture to the URL and search for the word “edit.” Here lies the secret; replace “edit” and all that trails it with “copy.” The result? A link that prompts users to create their own copy, leaving your original document unscathed.

Sharing your Google URL isn’t merely a transaction; it’s an invitation to a world you’ve created, a chance for others to engage with your content on their own terms. Whether it’s shared via email, embedded in a newsletter, or posted on social media platforms like Facebook or WhatsApp, your document is now ready to travel across networks and spark conversations.

With these steps, your Google URL becomes more than just a link; it transforms into a bridge connecting your business to the community you serve. It’s a demonstration of transparency, collaboration, and the power of sharing knowledge in the digital age.

Remember, every share is a potential touchpoint, an opportunity to grow your influence and solidify your presence online. So, share wisely, share widely, and watch as your Google URL forges new connections in the vast web of the internet.

Creating and Sharing a Google Link

Imagine you’ve crafted a stunning Google document, spreadsheet, or presentation — a tapestry of your thoughts and expertise woven into the digital fabric. Now, it’s time to share this masterpiece with the world, or perhaps just your team. Creating and sharing a Google link is your bridge to collaboration, allowing others to marvel at your work and contribute their own strokes of genius.

Embark on this journey by opening the file within the Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides app. With the document open, tap Edit to unlock the full potential of the app’s capabilities. As if by magic, your virtual quill is ready to annotate or designate the precise location for your link to nestle within the content.

Now, highlight the text or touch the area where you want your digital beacon to shine. In the top right, gently tap Create, then select Link. Here, in the “Text” field, type the words that will serve as your link’s alias — the clickable costume that will whisk users away to the destination you’ve chosen.

The process is intuitive, a dance of taps and types that culminates in the birth of a clickable link. This link is more than a mere sequence of characters; it’s a conduit for collaboration, a path that leads straight to the heart of your digital creation. Share it with care — through an SMS, an email, or across the social platforms like WhatsApp or Facebook, for each share is a seed planted, capable of growing into a mighty tree of communal knowledge and achievement.

Should your quest involve sharing the location of your brick-and-mortar establishment, the journey takes a slightly different path. Venture forth to, search for your brand, and select your listing. With a click of the “Share” icon, the link to your business’s location is ready to be copied and disseminated, inviting customers to embark on a journey of their own, leading them to your doorstep.

And what of sharing the fruits of your Google business account? The answer lies in the ability to manage access, to extend an invitation to others to join your digital domain. You hold the key to this realm, and with a few taps, you can grant entry to trusted collaborators who will help your business thrive in the vast expanse of the internet.

As you weave the web of your online presence, these links become the threads that connect you to others, the silken strands that bind your audience to your content. Creating and sharing a Google link is not just a technical step; it’s an act of opening doors, of building bridges, and of fostering a community that spans the digital divide.

With each link you share, you cast a stone into the waters of the internet, creating ripples that reach far and wide. So take a moment to ensure that your link is not just shared, but shared with intention, with the hope that it will touch the lives of those it reaches and bring them into the fold of your growing online community.

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Controlling Access to Your Google Account

As the custodian of your Google account, you wield the power to grant the keys to your digital kingdom with precision. Understanding the gravity of this control is paramount, especially when your account is the gateway to your business’s online presence. Let’s delve into how you can manage access with finesse and confidence.

Imagine your Google account as a bustling office space. You wouldn’t allow just anyone to walk in and rummage through your files, would you? Similarly, in the digital world, you can meticulously choose who gets to peek into your virtual office by navigating to the “Grant access to your account” section. With a simple click on “Add another account”, you can invite collaborators into your space, ensuring that only the right individuals have the clearance to enhance your online operations.

However, vigilance is key. To verify who currently holds a lantern in your digital corridors, head over to your Google Account settings. Select “Security”, then peek into the “Manage all devices” panel. Here lies a ledger of souls, past and present, who have wandered within your account. It’s a comprehensive view that shows you devices where your account is or was recently active, ensuring you can quickly spot any uninvited guests.

When it comes to third-party apps and services, you are the gatekeeper. These external entities often seek access to your account to function, but not all should be trusted with perpetual entry. To audit these permissions, proceed to your Google Account settings and choose “Apps & services”. Here you can review the list and, if necessary, revoke access with the decisiveness of a digital sovereign by selecting the app or service you wish to cast out.

For those wielding the power of a Google Brand Account, a similar process awaits. Under “Your Brand Accounts,” select the account ripe for scrutiny. Click on Manage permissions to survey a roster of individuals with varying degrees of influence within your account. From this vantage point, you can assign or retract the titles of Owner or Manager, shaping the hierarchy of your online empire.

In the realm of business, collaboration is often the cornerstone of success. By utilizing the Multiple sign-in access feature, you can allow several users to sign in simultaneously, while ensuring the primary user’s sign-in is anchored to a managed Google Account. This maintains a balance between teamwork and security, allowing your business to thrive in a safeguarded environment.

Granting access to your Google business account is akin to orchestrating a symphony of digital interactions. Navigate to your Profile settings, find the People and access section, and there you can gracefully compose your team. Click Add, enter the name or email of your chosen collaborator, select their level of access, and send forth an invitation to join your online venture.

This meticulous management of digital access ensures that your Google My Business link, and the wealth of information it represents, remains under steadfast guardianship. As you continue to weave through the narrative of online collaboration and presence, remember that each person you invite to share in your digital story holds a pen that can either enrich or tarnish the pages of your enterprise.

By granting access with intention and monitoring it with diligence, you’re not just protecting your account—you’re safeguarding the reputation and integrity of your business in the boundless expanse of the internet.

Understanding and Sharing Your Company URL

Envision your company’s digital storefront, a beacon for potential clients navigating the vast waters of the internet. Your company URL is the lighthouse guiding them safely to your shores. This web address, comprising a carefully chosen domain name and extension, is not merely a set of characters but the digital embodiment of your brand’s identity. It is the path customers tread to reach the heart of your business — your website’s home page.

When it comes to sharing your company URL, think of it as extending a personal invitation to visitors and prospective clients. The process is disarmingly simple yet profound in its potential impact. With the click of a button, the URL can be copied from the browser’s address bar, ready to be embedded in the fabric of your communications—be it an email signature, a compelling social media call-to-action, or the simplicity of a text message.

Google My Business (GMB) further amplifies this process, offering a platform where the sharing of your URL becomes an interactive experience. Beyond just visiting your site, customers can engage with your business directly through reviews, inquiries, and accessing vital information—all through the unique GMB link. To share your Google My Business link, start by logging into your GMB profile, navigate to the “Info” tab, and find your sharable @ handle. It’s a streamlined way to foster community and drive traffic, imbuing your simple URL with dynamic capabilities.

But sharing your URL is not just a matter of broadcasting an address; it’s about understanding the art of invitation and the science of accessibility. As you manage who can view and interact with your digital space, consider how you share your URL and the audiences you target. Each click is a potential customer, each share an opportunity to grow your business and solidify your online presence.

In the realm of the internet, your URL is your signature, your handshake, your first impression. Handle it with the same care and intention as you would any aspect of your business. As you guide users to your digital doorstep with your company’s URL, remember that with each share, you’re not just extending a link — you’re opening a door to opportunity.


Q: How can I find my Google Business Profile URL?
A: To find your Google Business Profile URL, type your business name into the search bar and look for the Google Business Profile located in the top right of the search results.

Q: How can I copy my Google My Business link?
A: To copy your Google My Business link, go to your Business Profile, click on Menu, then Business Profile settings. Under Managers, click on the person you want to change access for. Select the role: Primary owner, Owner, or Manager and click Save.

Q: How can I share my business review link on Google?
A: To share your business review link on Google, you can do it via Google Search. Log into your Google Business Profile, look for your business on Google Search, click the link that states the number of reviews you have, and select the “Get more reviews” button. Copy and paste the Google reviews link into an SMS, or share it via email, WhatsApp, or Facebook.

Q: How can I share my Google My Business link?
A: To share your Google My Business link, follow these steps: 1. Log into your Google Business Profile. 2. Look for your business on Google Search and click the link that states the number of reviews you have. 3. Select the “Get more reviews” button. 4. Copy and paste the Google reviews link into an SMS, or share it via email, WhatsApp, or Facebook.

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