How Can You Grant Access to Google My Business?

Unlock the power of Google My Business and give your business the visibility it deserves! In this comprehensive guide, we will show you how to give access to Google My Business, ensuring that you can effortlessly collaborate with team members, agencies, or anyone else who needs to manage your online presence. Whether you’re a small business owner or a digital marketing professional, this article will equip you with the knowledge and tools to effectively grant access, navigate through user roles, and review permissions. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets of optimizing your Google My Business account for success!

Understanding Google My Business

In today’s digital age, local businesses must harness the power of online tools to thrive. Google My Business (GMB), now evolving into Google Business Profile (GBP), stands as a beacon for businesses aiming to enhance their digital footprint. This free and intuitive platform enables businesses to manage their virtual storefront across Google Search and Maps. By using GMB, companies can create meaningful engagements with customers, highlight their unique value propositions, and amplify their online visibility.

Imagine a bustling digital landscape where your business can interact with customers as easily as if they were walking into your physical location. GMB is that bridge between the tangible and virtual worlds, allowing businesses to respond to reviews, post updates, and engage with their audience in real-time. It’s an essential tool for any business seeking to be at the forefront of local search queries and maintain an authoritative online presence.

Fact Detail
Free Listing Management Manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps at no cost.
Customer Engagement Interact directly with customers and respond to reviews.
Verification Process A necessary step to appear on Google Maps, which can be somewhat complex.
Online Visibility Essential for small businesses to be found in local search results.
Google Business Profile The new terminology for Google My Business, streamlining local business management.

Consider the GMB profile as your business’s digital handshake—warm, inviting, and the beginning of a customer relationship. For multi-location businesses, it’s the key to unlocking each branch’s potential, ensuring that each one shines brightly in local search results. With a verified listing, your business doesn’t just make an appearance on Google Maps; it stands out, beckoning customers to come and explore what you have to offer.

Since the announcement in late 2021 of the transition from GMB to GBP, businesses are urged to adapt swiftly to maintain their competitive edge. This change signals Google’s commitment to providing a more direct and streamlined experience for local businesses managing their listings. By understanding the nuances of this platform, businesses can leverage its full potential to navigate the digital seas and anchor themselves firmly in the minds of customers.

To effectively give access to your Google My Business account, it is crucial to understand the roles available and the permissions associated with them. This knowledge ensures that you can delegate management tasks while retaining control over your business’s online representation. With the right people granted the appropriate access, your business’s online narrative will be well-crafted and robust, reflecting the very essence of your brand.

Before diving into the depths of user management, let’s set sail to the next section, where we will chart the different types of GMB users and the specific access privileges they can hold.

Types of Google My Business Users

Navigating the digital landscape of local business management, Google My Business stands as a beacon, guiding the way to optimal online presence and customer interaction. At the heart of this platform are the diverse roles designed to cater to the varying needs of businesses, each with its unique set of responsibilities and capabilities. Understanding the intricate mesh of these roles is akin to mastering the controls of a sophisticated vessel, steering your business towards the harbor of success.

The roles within Google My Business are delineated into three essential types: Owner, Manager, and Site Manager. Picture these as the crew of a ship: each member plays a critical role in the vessel’s journey, from the captain to the deck officers, each with their distinct duties and privileges.

  1. Primary Owner: This role is the linchpin of your GMB account. Analogous to a ship’s captain, there can only be one primary owner. This individual wields the most power, bearing the capability to navigate the entire listing, including pivotal decisions such as transferring ownership or deleting the profile. Their digital compass allows them to steer the business’s online destiny.
  2. Owners: As the trusted first mates, additional owners share many of the captain’s privileges. They can cast the net wide, adding or removing users, editing business information, and responding to the siren calls of reviews. However, their powers have limits; they cannot dethrone the primary owner, ensuring a balance of power and continuity in leadership.
  3. Managers: These are the experienced deck officers, entrusted with day-to-day operations. Managers maintain the course by updating business information, managing reviews, and engaging with customers. They have the tools to keep the ship on course but cannot alter its ultimate destination — a task reserved for the owners.
  4. Site Managers: Consider them as the diligent navigators and lookouts. Site Managers have a more focused view, primarily tasked with interacting with customers through posts and reviews. Their scope is narrower, ensuring that they can concentrate on guiding the ship through the bustling waters of customer engagement.

With multiple captains at the helm in the form of owners, Google My Business ensures that the business can continuously sail forward, even if one officer is unavailable. It’s a robust system designed to maintain a seamless journey through the ever-changing tides of the digital world.

As you prepare to bring others aboard your Google My Business ship, it’s essential to assign roles that best fit each crew member’s skills and your business’s needs. The judicious delegation of these roles is the strategic play that can make the difference in the vast sea of online competition.

In the forthcoming sections, we will explore how to add these various users to your Google My Business account, ensuring a diverse and capable crew to help navigate your business towards online visibility and customer engagement triumphs.

Adding Users to Google My Business

Embarking on the journey of enhancing your business’s digital footprint is a pivotal step towards success. One of the key aspects of this journey is the management of your Google My Business (GMB) account. Imagine it as a ship sailing through the vast ocean of online commerce, and to steer it effectively, you need a trusted crew. This is where adding users to your GMB account comes into play. Whether it’s to bring onboard a savvy new employee, collaborate with a seasoned digital marketing agency, or to share the helm with a trusted business partner, the process is designed to be as seamless as the collaboration you’re aiming for.

Initiate this mission by signing into your GMB profile with the confidence of a captain taking the wheel. Navigate through the dashboard until you reach the location you wish to manage, like an explorer seeking new territories. Here, you’ll find the “Users” button, your gateway to expanding your team. Clicking this will unveil the “Invite New Managers” icon, akin to sending out a call to all potential crew members.

Proceed to enter the email address of the individual or entity you’re keen on adding. It’s a moment that signifies the beginning of a partnership, one that could propel your business to new heights. With the email address entered, you now have the power to select their role within your GMB account. Will they be a Manager, with the responsibility of navigating the day-to-day operations? Or an Owner, entrusted with broader powers to chart the course of your business’s online presence? The choice is yours to make.

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Once you’ve made your selection, the final step is to click “Invite”. It’s akin to sending out a signal flare into the digital sky, beckoning your chosen allies to join your cause. They’ll receive an invitation to become part of your GMB account, and upon their acceptance, your team will be stronger, your reach wider, and your business’s future all the brighter.

Remember, in the digital world, much like in seafaring, a well-assembled crew can make all the difference. Each member brings their own expertise, experience, and energy to the voyage. By strategically assigning roles and responsibilities through GMB, you ensure that your business not only stays afloat but also sails smoothly towards the horizon of success.

As you continue to read, you’ll soon learn about the nuances of granting access to your GMB account, an essential knowledge for any business owner or manager in the digital age. But for now, rest assured that adding users to your Google My Business profile is a straightforward process, one that promises to bolster your online presence and foster collaborative success.

Granting Access to Your Google My Business Account

The digital seas are vast, and navigating your Google My Business (GMB) account is akin to captaining a ship with a robust crew. To have a smooth voyage in the realm of online presence, delegating tasks becomes not just beneficial but necessary. Granting access to your GMB account is an integral step in this journey.

Imagine you’re at the helm of your business, the captain’s hat perched atop your head. You’re ready to share responsibilities with your trusted mates. Here’s how you chart the course:

Start by logging into your GMB dashboard. Select the location you’re focusing on, much like choosing which sails to unfurl for the day’s journey. In the navigation sidebar, you’ll find the ‘Users’ tab, your gateway to collaboration. Clicking on the ‘Add’ button is like swinging open the doors to the crew’s quarters, inviting new members aboard.

  1. Once the dialogue box materializes, as if by seafaring magic, enter the email address of the person you wish to invite. Think of this as sending out a message in a bottle to a potential crew member.

  2. Select the role for your new user. Will they be a stalwart Manager, a savvy Site Manager, or perhaps you’re ready to share the helm as a fellow Owner? Each role comes with its own set of permissions and responsibilities, much like a navigator, boatswain, or quartermaster would have.

  3. Once you click ‘Search,’ your chosen ally will receive their summons to join you on your digital expedition.

Assigning the right role is like entrusting someone with the wheel or the map; it’s essential for the success of your voyage. The Owner can steer the ship in any direction, while Managers are adept at maneuvering through day-to-day operations, and Site Managers are there to keep a keen eye on customer interactions.

By following these navigational beacons, you ensure that your online presence is not a solitary lighthouse but a fleet of ships, each with a capable crew member at the helm. Granting access to your GMB account is more than just a managerial task; it’s a way to build a resilient and diverse team, ready to tackle the ever-changing tides of the digital world.

Remember, granting access is just the beginning. Much like a ship’s crew must work in unison, you’ll want to ensure seamless collaboration and clear communication among your team members to sail ahead successfully.

As you prepare to continue the journey through the digital seas, keep in mind that your GMB account is a reflection of your business’s soul. Treat it with care, entrust it to capable hands, and watch as your online presence flourishes under a shared vision and collective effort.

Sharing Access to Your Google My Business Profile

Inviting collaborators to your Google My Business (GMB) profile shouldn’t be a labyrinthine task. Picture this: you have a bustling café, and your barista, who’s also a whiz at social media, could enhance your online presence by responding to reviews and updating photos. Sharing access securely allows for such teamwork without compromising control.

Commence the process by navigating to your GMB dashboard. Amidst the buzz of daily business, this digital hub is where the magic happens. Locate and select the particular location you wish to manage – if you’re a maestro of multiple venues, each one can be a part of your digital symphony.

Once you’re in the right place, the “Users” button awaits your click. It’s the gateway to expanding your team. Hit the “Invite New Managers” icon – a plus sign beckoning you to add to your collective. Now, here’s where you make an important choice:

  1. Type in the email address of your prospective collaborator.
  2. Select their role with care. Will they be a Manager with considerable control, or a Site Manager with slightly limited powers? Your choice will define their capabilities and your peace of mind.

After this, all that’s left is to click “Invite.” An email then wings its way to your invitee, drawing them into the fold. They accept, and voilà – you’ve successfully empowered someone to help shoulder the online presence of your business.

Remember, sharing access is not just about delegation; it’s about building a team that can work in harmony to create an online symphony that resonates with customers and echoes with the essence of your business.

With each new user, your business narrative expands, and your online presence becomes a tapestry woven by many hands. Keep the symphony playing smoothly by sharing access with those who can help your business sing online.

Adding an Agency to Google My Business

Entrusting your digital marketing efforts to a professional agency can propel your business to new heights. These experts can fine-tune your online presence, ensuring that your Google My Business (GMB) profile is a robust tool for attracting and engaging customers. To facilitate this collaboration, you’ll need to grant access to your agency, allowing them to work their magic on your GMB listing.

The process mirrors that of adding an individual user, with a slight twist. Kick-start the journey by providing your agency with your unique Location ID number, a critical piece of information that will help them identify your business within their agency dashboard. Once you have this number at the ready, here’s how to proceed:

  1. Securely sign in to your Google account and head to the Google My Business homepage.
  2. Select your business to view its profile and click on the ‘Users’ icon, typically symbolized by a silhouette with a plus sign.
  3. Here, you’ll encounter an option to add users; click on it to invite your marketing agency.
  4. Enter the agency’s email address—they will receive an invitation to become a user on your account.
  5. Assign them the role of Manager, which will equip them with the necessary permissions to optimize your listing without full ownership rights.
  6. Finally, send off the invite and await their acceptance.

By selecting ‘Manager’ as their role, you ensure a balance between control and collaboration. This level of access empowers the agency to perform a plethora of tasks—such as updating business information, responding to reviews, and posting updates—while keeping the ownership of your profile securely in your hands.

Remember, the key to a successful partnership is not just about sharing access but also about building a relationship based on trust and communication. By adding your agency to your Google My Business account, you’re setting the stage for a synergistic effort that can significantly amplify your online presence and visibility.

Take this step with confidence, knowing that you’re enhancing your digital strategy by leveraging the expertise of seasoned professionals. And as they say, in the realm of online business, visibility is as vital as the quality of your services or products. So make sure your GMB profile is in capable hands, ready to greet the digital world with its best foot forward.

Accessing Your Google My Business Account

Imagine the ease of having the world at your fingertips—this is what it feels like when accessing your Google My Business (GMB) account. With a few simple steps, you can embark on a journey to enhance your business’s online presence. It all begins at, a gateway to the control panel of your business’s digital storefront.

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To step into this realm, click on “Sign in” or “Manage now,” depending on what greets you on the page. This is your cue to enter the credentials of your Google account—a key that unlocks a myriad of possibilities for managing your business listing.

Once logged in, a dashboard blooms before your eyes, presenting the lifeblood of your business’s online identity. Here, you can weave the narrative of your brand, adjust the details that customers see, and sculpt the public persona of your enterprise. It’s a space where accuracy and attentiveness converge, ensuring that every piece of information reflects the current heartbeat of your business.

As you navigate through the intuitive interface, keep in mind that this virtual representation is often the first encounter potential customers have with your business. It’s a powerful touchpoint that can sway decisions and forge connections. Managing your GMB account is not just about oversight—it’s about crafting an experience that resonates with your audience and aligns with your brand’s story.

Whether you’re updating your hours of operation, responding to reviews, or sharing the latest news or promotions, these interactions are the threads that tie your business to the community it serves. And remember, as you delve into the world of GMB, you’re not only maintaining information; you’re cultivating relationships and building trust with every click.

As you journey through the management of your GMB account, take a moment to appreciate the power at your disposal. Here in this digital space, your business’s narrative unfolds, inviting customers to step into your story and experience all that you have to offer.

With the knowledge of how to access your GMB account, you’re now ready to explore the nuances of reviewing access and managing users, ensuring that your team can contribute to the ongoing success and accuracy of your business’s online narrative.

Reviewing Access and Managing Users

Ensuring that the right people have the appropriate level of access to your Google My Business (GMB) account is critical for maintaining your online presence. Picture the dashboard as your digital command center, from which you can calibrate and control the nuances of your business listing. To embark on this vital task, navigate to your GMB dashboard, and click on “Menu,” followed by “Users.”

Once you’re in the users section, a tableau of names and roles unfolds before you. This is where you can review and modify user access, ensuring that your team members are aligned with their responsibilities. You may see various roles listed, such as Primary owner, Owner, and Manager. These roles are not just titles; they represent different tiers of control and capabilities within your GMB landscape.

Let’s dive a bit deeper into these roles:

  1. The Primary Owner is akin to the captain of the ship, holding the reins to the kingdom. This role entails the maximum authority, including the power to transfer primary ownership and assign or revoke user access.
  2. An Owner has nearly all the privileges of the primary owner, except for the ability to assign the primary ownership to someone else.
  3. A Manager, on the other hand, has a more limited domain, focusing on the day-to-day management of the listing without the ability to alter user roles or ownership.

To adjust these roles, simply click on the user whose permissions you wish to change. From there, a drop-down menu allows you to select a new role that fits their level of involvement in managing your GMB presence. This process is crucial, as it ensures that each user has access that aligns with their responsibilities, and no more.

Remember, trust is a cornerstone of this process. It is imperative to only grant access to individuals who are both capable and reliable. A misplaced click or an ill-advised change by an inexperienced user could lead to misinformation about your business being disseminated, which can affect customer trust and your online reputation.

Regular audits of your GMB user access are a best practice. This not only helps in maintaining an updated list of users but also protects your business from potential digital mishaps. Whether it’s an employee who has moved on or a change in agency partnerships, keeping your user list current is a non-negotiable aspect of digital stewardship.

In the dynamic world of online business, staying vigilant and proactive with your GMB account management is key. The right team with the right access can ensure your business thrives in the digital marketplace.

Final Thoughts

In the digital age, where your online presence can be as significant as your physical storefront, Google My Business stands out as a beacon, guiding potential customers to your door. As we’ve traversed the landscape of user roles and permissions in your GMB account, it’s evident that the power of this tool is harnessed through meticulous management of who has the keys to your kingdom.

Imagine your GMB dashboard as the captain’s bridge of a ship, with every user playing a role in navigating the vast seas of the internet. The Primary Owner is at the helm, charting the course, while Owners and Managers work in harmony to keep the voyage smooth, ensuring that the business listing is not only accurate but also engaging and responsive to the siren calls of customer reviews and inquiries.

Assigning roles within your Google My Business account is not just a matter of delegation; it’s about creating a symphony where each member plays their part to perfection. Whether it’s the Owner, adding a festive touch to the profile during holiday seasons, or the Manager, responding swiftly to a customer’s concern, each action resonates with the audience, building trust and rapport.

With the right crew aboard, your business sets sail towards visibility and growth. Yet, as with any valuable asset, vigilance is key. Regular audits of user access are as crucial as a captain reviewing their crew, ensuring that only those who are trusted and equipped to manage your online presence are at the controls.

So, as you invite new users to join your GMB account or adjust the sails by updating their roles, remember that each decision impacts how your business is perceived in the digital marketplace. Choose wisely, act strategically, and let your Google My Business listing be a lighthouse that draws customers to the shores of your exceptional service.

Let’s continue to sail forth, leveraging the power of Google My Business to chart a course for success in an ever-evolving online world.


Q: How do I give access to Google My Business on desktop or laptop?
A: To give access to Google My Business on desktop or laptop, follow these steps:
1. Choose your location.
2. Select ‘Users’ in the Navigation sidebar.
3. Click on the ‘Add’ button.
4. Select the role for the new user.
5. Click on ‘Manage Users’.
6. Enter the email address of the user you want to grant access to and click Search.

Q: How do I share access to my Google Business?
A: To share access to your Google Business, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your Google My Business profile.
2. Open the location you’d like to manage.
3. Click the “Users” button.
4. Click on the “Invite New Managers” icon.
5. Enter the email and select the user’s role.
6. Click Invite.

Q: How do I add another user to my Google Business account?
A: To add another user to your Google Business account, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your Google My Business profile.
2. Open the location you’d like to manage.
3. Click the “Users” button.
4. Click on the “Invite New Managers” icon.
5. Enter the email and select the user’s role.
6. Click Invite.

Q: How do I give an agency access to Google My Business?
A: To give an agency access to Google My Business, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your Google My Business profile.
2. Open the location you’d like to manage.
3. Click the “Users” button.
4. Click on the “Invite New Managers” icon.
5. Enter the email and select the user’s role.
6. Click Invite.

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