Is it Possible to Remove Photos from Google My Business? Expert Tips and Step-by-Step Guide

Are you tired of those embarrassing photos lurking on your Google My Business profile? Well, worry no more! In this comprehensive guide, we will show you the exact steps to delete photos from Google My Business. Whether you’re a business owner or a Google enthusiast, this step-by-step tutorial will make sure those unwanted images vanish into thin air. So, get ready to declutter your online presence and showcase your business in the best light possible. Let’s dive right in!

How To Delete Photos From Google My Business?

Managing your digital footprint is an ongoing task, and for businesses, this includes keeping your Google My Business (GMB) profile up-to-date with the right visuals. A photo can speak volumes about your business, but what if a snapshot no longer represents your brand, or it was added in error? Fear not, for the process to delete photos from Google My Business is quite user-friendly.

Let’s start by navigating to your GMB account. Imagine it as the digital storefront where the world sees your business. Once logged in, you’ll find yourself in the control room, where you can curate the images that shape your business’s online image. Here, in the Photos section, you can select the image that no longer serves your narrative. Upon selecting, you’ll be met with options to either Remove or Delete the photo, depending on your final decision.

On the occasion you don’t spot the “Delete photo” option directly, there’s a detour through the Manage in Google Photos route, allowing you to expunge the image from there. This process might remind you of tidying up a physical space, discarding what no longer serves you, ensuring your business’s visual story remains relevant and engaging.

For those wondering how to keep their posts timely and relevant, editing or deleting a business post on Google is another straightforward affair. Simply locate the post in question and choose to edit or sweep it away into the digital bin.

In case you find yourself as the steward of multiple images, managing them through your Business Manager is your next stop. Here, after clicking your profile avatar, you’ll be directed to the Photos section, where selecting and deleting unwanted images is just a click of a trash can icon away.

Moreover, for businesses pondering the finality of their digital presence, removing your Google My Business listing entirely is also a path you can take. By suggesting an edit on your map and following the instructions to close or remove, you can bid farewell to your digital storefront, should the need arise.

To encapsulate this process, the table below provides a quick guide to manage your business imagery effectively:

Action Steps Notes
Delete Photo Login > Photos Section > Select > Remove/Delete Direct option to delete individual photos.
Manage Photos More > Manage in Google Photos > Delete Use if “Delete photo” option is not visible.
Edit/Delete Post Find Post > Edit/Delete Keep posts up-to-date or remove them.
Delete from Business Manager Login to Manager > Profile Avatar > Photos > Trash Can Icon For multiple image management.
Remove Listing Map > Suggest Edit > Close/Remove Option to remove business listing entirely.

As you navigate the digital landscape, remember that your Google My Business profile is an extension of your brand. Keep it polished and appealing with imagery that accurately reflects the current state of your business.

Steps to Delete Photos From Google My Business

Embarking on the journey to refine your Google My Business (GMB) visual portfolio can often feel like navigating a labyrinth. However, with a clear path laid out, the process becomes a stroll through a well-kept garden. For businesses determined to cultivate an impeccable online presence, the ability to delete outdated or unwanted photos from your GMB profile is a crucial gardening tool. Let’s walk through the steps to prune your digital garden and ensure your business’s image remains as fresh and inviting as the services you offer.

  1. Access the Virtual Greenhouse: Start by visiting the Google Business Profile Manager at This is your greenhouse where you cultivate your business’s online presence.
  2. Identify the Flora to Foster: Within the digital greenhouse, click on the Business Profile that is under your meticulous care. This will take you to the section where your business’s visual elements thrive.
  3. Find the Add Photo Tool: Look for the Add Photo icon within the New Merchant Experience (NMX), a toolbox designed to help you manage your business’s visuals with ease.
  4. Select the Badge of Identity: Within the modal window that emerges, click on Logo. This action is akin to choosing the right shears for your pruning task.
  5. Embrace the New Blossom: Proceed to upload the Google Business Profile picture that best represents your brand’s current bloom. This new image will replace the old, ensuring your business’s display remains vibrant and true to your brand’s evolving story.

By following these steps with the precision of a seasoned gardener, you can effectively manage the imagery that your potential customers see, making sure that every visual element serves to enhance the story of your brand. A visually compelling GMB profile not only attracts the eye but also sows the seeds of trust and credibility with your audience. Remember, the images you choose to showcase are not mere decorations; they are the blossoms through which the essence of your brand is perceived. Now, let’s continue to nurture your online presence, moving on to the delicate task of managing reviews and their accompanying photos.

How to Delete a Photo from Google Business Review?

As you navigate the digital landscape of your brand’s online presence, you might stumble upon a photo within a Google business review that no longer represents your business effectively. Perhaps it’s an outdated image of your storefront or an unflattering snapshot taken by a customer. Whatever the case, maintaining a pristine and relevant visual showcase on your Google My Business (GMB) profile is crucial. Here’s how you can take control and remove an unwanted photo through a few simple steps on your Android device:

  1. Launch your journey by opening the Google Search app. This is your gateway to managing your digital footprint.
  2. Enter the name of your business in the search bar—the digital identifier that customers use to discover your offerings.
  3. Peruse the images associated with your business reviews until you find the photo that needs removal. This is a pivotal moment, as the images tied to your business are often the first impression for potential clients.
  4. Once the target photo is in your sights, select it to expand its view.
  5. Finally, tap Submit to confirm your intent to remove the photo, setting in motion the process to enhance your business’s visual narrative.

Remember, while the digital realm may seem fleeting, the images and content associated with your business can leave a lasting impression. By curating your GMB profile with the most accurate and appealing visuals, you’re not just tidying up; you’re sculpting the very persona your business presents to the world. Take these steps with the understanding that each photo tells a part of your story, and it’s within your power to ensure it’s told correctly.

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In the event that you face any challenges or the photo does not disappear as anticipated, you might need to take additional steps. For instance, if the photo is posted by a third party, you may have to report the image to Google for a review of its adherence to content guidelines. Keep in mind that the virtual domain is dynamic, and staying vigilant over your business’s online gallery is an ongoing endeavor. With these actions, you’re not just tidying up, you’re ensuring that your business’s first impression remains as compelling and authentic as the services or products you offer.

Stay tuned, as we will delve deeper into organizing photos in your Google My Business account, which is an equally essential part of managing your online presence.

Organizing Photos in Google My Business

Imagine entering a gallery where the most captivating painting is hidden in the back corner, its vibrancy obscured by less engaging pieces. Similarly, your Google My Business profile is your virtual storefront, and the way you present your imagery can either invite customers in or leave them uninterested. While Google My Business doesn’t offer the flexibility to custom-sort photos in your gallery, you can assert influence over your brand’s first visual impression.

Setting a cover photo is akin to choosing the centerpiece of your gallery. This image acts as a visual handshake, greeting potential customers as they discover your business online. By setting a cover photo, you’re essentially guiding the spotlight, ensuring that when your business surfaces on Google Search or Google Maps, the visual story begins exactly as you intend. It’s a strategic move, one that can capture the essence of your brand and entice a viewer to learn more.

Here’s how you can take charge of your business’s visual narrative:

  1. Access your Google My Business account and navigate to the Photos section.
  2. Among your uploaded images, identify the one that best represents your business.
  3. Select this image and designate it as your cover photo, setting the stage for your brand’s story.

Remember, while you may not have the power to arrange each photo in the order you desire, your cover photo serves as your brand’s visual ambassador. It’s the first chapter of your story that unfolds in the eyes of potential customers, making it crucial to choose an image that speaks volumes about the quality and character of your business.

By thoughtfully selecting a cover photo that aligns with your brand’s identity and values, you’re crafting a narrative that resonates with viewers, compelling them to delve deeper into your profile. So, take a moment to survey your gallery, much like an artist with a discerning eye, and choose a cover photo that will set the tone for all the visual tales yet to be told.

Stay tuned, as we will delve into the importance of adding photos to Google My Business in the next segment, further exploring how these visual elements can play a pivotal role in your online presence.

Importance of Adding Photos to Google My Business

Imagine your Google My Business profile as a digital storefront, your first opportunity to impress and engage potential customers. The power of visual storytelling comes alive with carefully chosen photos that can transform a casual browser into a committed customer. Each image serves as a brushstroke in the masterpiece that is your business’s narrative.

Adding photos to your profile isn’t just an aesthetic choice; it’s a strategic business move. Category-specific photos shine a spotlight on the unique aspects of your business, guiding customers through the decision-making journey with visual cues that answer their unspoken questions. Whether it’s the cozy ambience of a cafe, the detailed workmanship of handcrafted products, or the beaming smiles of satisfied clients, these images do more than just fill space. They communicate value, quality, and trustworthiness.

Moreover, in the bustling marketplace that is Google, standing out is not just desirable, it’s essential. By adding crisp, high-quality images, you differentiate your business from competitors. A delightful dish from your menu, the latest haircut trend offered at your salon, or the before-and-after of a renovation project – such photos not only attract attention but also encourage interaction, driving potential customers to explore further and, ultimately, take action.

It’s not an overstatement to say that these visual elements can greatly influence your online presence. Google’s algorithms favor profiles that are rich in content, including diverse and updated images. This means that the more compelling and relevant your photos are, the more likely it is that your business will appear in search results, drawing in an audience actively seeking what you have to offer.

Remember, each photo uploaded to your Google My Business profile is an opportunity to tell a part of your story. Choose images that resonate with your brand’s message and ensure that every snapshot contributes positively to the overarching tale of your business’s excellence and appeal.

How to Delete Photos from Google My Business on iPhone?

For the busy entrepreneur on-the-go, keeping your digital storefront current is key to attracting customers. If you’re an iPhone user, updating your Google My Business profile can be a breeze. Removing outdated or undesirable images is an essential part of this upkeep. Here’s how you can ensure your business presents its best face by deleting photos directly from your mobile device:

  1. First, locate and open the Google My Business app on your iPhone. Remember, this app might simply be named My Business, so don’t get thrown off by the nomenclature.
  2. Next, tap Profile at the bottom of the screen to navigate to your business profile where all the magic happens.
  3. Once there, you’ll want to tap Photos. This will take you to the gallery where all your uploaded images are displayed.
  4. Now, it’s time to find that photo that no longer serves your brand. Scroll through your collection until you locate the image you wish to remove.
  5. Upon finding the photo, tap the three-dot menu icon situated in the upper right corner of the photo. This is the gateway to further options for each image.
  6. Finally, a menu will appear from the bottom. Here, you’ll want to tap “Delete photo.” Confirm the deletion, and voilà, the photo will vanish from your profile, leaving only the images that best represent your business.

Remember, the photos you choose to display are a reflection of your business. They serve as a visual narrative for potential customers, showcasing what you offer. Just as you’d want a clean and inviting physical storefront, your virtual one should be just as meticulously curated. So, take the time to regularly review and refresh your images, ensuring they align with your brand’s message and appeal.

With these straightforward steps, iPhone users can maintain a polished and professional appearance on Google My Business, helping to attract and retain discerning customers who are exploring your offerings online.

How to Unlink Google Photos?

In a digital world brimming with memories, sometimes we seek a fresh start or more control over our personal data. Unlinking Google Photos may be part of this quest for digital clarity. Whether it’s for privacy concerns or simply to declutter your online presence, understanding how to detach your photo library from Google’s ecosystem is pivotal.

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To begin the process of unlinking, venture into the heart of your Google Photos app. Here, the backup & sync feature is the silent workhorse, diligently safeguarding your media to the cloud. To halt its service, tap your profile picture and navigate to “Photos settings”. Within this sanctuary of options lies the toggle for backup & sync. Turning this off is the first decisive step to stop the automatic upload and linkage of your photos and videos.

Next, consider parting ways with the Google Photos app itself. On your device, you can uninstall or disable the app. For iPhone users, press and hold the app icon until it jiggles, then tap the ‘X’ to uninstall. Android aficionados can go to ‘Settings’, find ‘Apps’, locate Google Photos, and tap ‘Disable’ or ‘Uninstall’. This act severs the app’s ties to your device but remember, it does not erase your photos from the cloud.

For the purists who wish to erase all traces, the next step is a thorough cleanse. Deleting your photos individually is a meticulous but necessary step if you desire a complete unlinking. This is best done through the Google Photos website on a desktop PC, offering a more comprehensive view and easier selection of multiple photos.

Finally, do not forget the digital footprint left behind in the trash bin. Emptying it is akin to the last sweep of a broom, ensuring that all remnants of your photos are gone from Google’s grasp. With these steps, you regain control, choosing what to share and where to store your digital memories.

As you navigate your way through this process, remember that each photo is a slice of your story. By unlinking Google Photos, you decide how and where your story is told and preserved. The power is in your hands.

How to Delete Photos from Google My Business Manager?

Having the power to sculpt your business’s online image is pivotal in today’s digital-first world. As a business owner, you want to ensure that every photograph associated with your establishment reflects its ethos and quality. There might come a time when certain images in your Google My Business profile no longer serve their purpose or inadvertently detract from your business’s narrative. In such instances, removing these photos swiftly is key to maintaining an impeccable online presence.

To manage your visual content on Google My Business Manager, here’s the step-by-step guide to help you navigate the deletion process:

  1. Start by signing in to your Google My Business Manager account with the correct credentials. This is the gateway to controlling your business’s virtual front.
  2. Upon entering your dashboard, direct your attention to your profile avatar. Click on it to unfold the realm of your business’s visual story – the Photos section.
  3. Peruse your collection and identify the photo that no longer aligns with your brand’s message. Selecting this image is like choosing a chapter of your story to edit.
  4. With the photo in your sights, locate the trash can icon – this is your tool for alteration. Clicking on it will effectively erase the photo from your digital narrative.
  5. If you need to navigate through your business profile to manage images, simply click on Images after opening your business profile. From there, you can follow similar steps to remove any unwanted photographs.

In a world where images can speak volumes, curating your online gallery on Google My Business is not just about deletion—it’s about crafting a visual experience that resonates with your audience and echoes the core values of your brand.

Remember, while the photo might disappear from your immediate view, it may take some time to vanish from all users’ perspectives. Google processes these changes, and soon enough, your gallery will only showcase images that are in perfect sync with your business’s story.

Proceeding with such updates not only enhances your professional facade but also gives you a sense of control over how your business is perceived online. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to refining your business’s digital footprint, one image at a time.

How to Delete a Google Business Account from your iPhone?

In the evolving landscape of digital business representation, it’s essential to curate your online presence meticulously. There are moments when you decide that a chapter in your business saga needs to close, requiring the removal of a Google Business Account from your virtual portfolio. Whether you’re rebranding, ceasing operations, or consolidating your online assets, the process is straightforward on your iPhone. Here’s how to turn the page:

  1. Navigate to the digital crossroads where your business and personal worlds converge. On your iPhone or iPad, launch your preferred web browser, such as Chrome or Safari.
  2. Embark on the path to decluttering your digital footprint by accessing the Brand Accounts section within your Google Account. This is the realm where your business identity resides.
  3. Identify the account that no longer serves your narrative. Choose the business account that you wish to delete from the list presented.
  4. Conclude your account’s journey by tapping on Delete account. With this simple act, you initiate the process of erasing the digital traces of your business from the Google landscape.

Remember, the act of removing a Google Business Profile is akin to removing a chapter from a book – it doesn’t disappear immediately. Google may take some time to fully erase the listing. During this interlude, other users might notice the absence and report the business as closed or non-existent. This is a normal part of the digital dissolution process.

To wield the power to delete, you must hold the keys as a Manager or Owner of the Google Business Profile listing. Without these credentials, the path to deletion is barred. This crucial step ensures that only those with rightful authority can make such significant changes to a business’s online presence.

As you bid farewell to your Google Business Profile, consider the empty space you leave behind. It’s a canvas for future endeavors, a chance to redefine your brand, or an opportunity for a fresh start. The digital world is ever-changing, and so too are the ways we present our business stories within it.


Q: How can I delete a photo from Google My Business?
A: To delete a photo from Google My Business, go to your Album Archive and open the photo you want to delete. Then, select “Delete photo” at the top right. If you don’t see the option, you can manage the photo in Google Photos.

Q: Can I delete photos from Google My Business on my mobile device?
A: Yes, you can delete photos from Google My Business on your mobile device. Open the Google My Business app, tap Profile, tap Photos, find the photo you want to remove, tap the three dot menu icon, and tap “Delete photo” when it pops up from the bottom.

Q: Where can I find the option to delete a photo in Google My Business?
A: To delete a photo in Google My Business, you can find the option in your Album Archive. Open the photo you want to delete and select “Delete photo” at the top right. If the option is not available, you can manage the photo in Google Photos.

Q: Is it possible to delete a photo from Google My Business using the Google My Business app?
A: Yes, you can delete a photo from Google My Business using the Google My Business app. Simply open the app, go to your Profile, tap Photos, find the photo you want to remove, tap the three dot menu icon, and select “Delete photo” when it appears at the bottom of the screen.

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