How to Add a User to Google My Business: A Comprehensive Guide to User Management

Unlock the power of Google My Business and let your business soar to new heights! Adding a user to your Google My Business account is like handing them the keys to a world of online opportunities. Whether you’re a business owner, a manager, or just someone curious about the ins and outs of Google’s business profile, this guide is here to make the process a breeze. Get ready to dive into the world of user management and discover how to navigate the sometimes tricky waters of multiple owners and managers. So, grab your coffee, sit back, and let’s unravel the mysteries of Google My Business together!

Understanding Google My Business and Its User Management

For businesses looking to amplify their digital footprint, Google My Business (GMB) stands as a beacon of opportunity. Offering a powerful, no-cost avenue for enhancing online visibility, GMB is not just a business listing; it’s a multifaceted platform where the narrative of your enterprise unfolds before a captivated audience of potential customers. One pivotal aspect of this narrative is the collaborative symphony orchestrated through GMB’s user management capabilities.

Imagine a bustling restaurant with a kitchen full of chefs, each specializing in different culinary arts, working harmoniously to create an exquisite menu. Similarly, GMB’s user management allows a business to assemble its own team of digital strategists, content creators, and customer service experts, each contributing their unique skills to manage and optimize the business’s online presence.

By embracing the power of collaboration, businesses can delegate tasks efficiently, ensuring that the manager can weave engaging tales through posts and images, the owner can oversee strategic decisions, and team members can swiftly respond to reviews, fostering a robust connection with the community. This network of users becomes particularly invaluable for enterprises spread across multiple locations, each locale with its own story to tell and audience to engage.

Role Capabilities Significance
Owner Full management rights, including adding/removing other users The central figure with overarching control of the GMB account
Manager Can optimize the listing, update services, and interact with customers Operational lead ensuring the GMB profile remains active and engaging
Verification Process Complicated but vital for appearance on Google Maps A necessary step for legitimizing the business’s online presence

The journey to enlisting help on your GMB account may seem like navigating a labyrinth, but fear not. The process, while layered, is designed to protect and maintain the sanctity of your business’s data. It involves a series of steps that ensure only trusted individuals gain the privilege of shaping your business’s digital narrative.

In this digital era, where the whims of online searchers dictate the tides of business fortune, having a verified, well-managed GMB listing is akin to having a lighthouse that guides customers to your shores. With multiple owners and managers at the helm, your business can confidently navigate the vast online ocean, ensuring no opportunity for connection or conversion is lost in the abyss of anonymity.

As we forge ahead, remember that the essence of this tale is not just in the telling, but in the collective crafting. After all, it is the combined efforts of every team member that transforms a simple listing into a vibrant hub of business activity. In the following sections, we will delve into the step-by-step process of inviting collaborators to your GMB account, thereby setting the stage for a thriving and interactive business listing.

Steps to Add a User to Your Google My Business Account

Imagine you’ve just polished your Google My Business listing, making sure every detail shines to perfection. Now, it’s time to bring in reinforcements—a trusted team to help you manage this digital storefront. Adding a user to your Google My Business account is not just a task; it’s an invitation to collaborate on the success of your business. Here’s how you can empower others to join your mission:

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  1. Log into your Google Business account by navigating to
  2. Select Users from the side menu to view the current cast of characters who have roles in your business’s story.
  3. Click on the Add users button, a portal to welcome new talent.
  4. Enter the email address of your future collaborator, someone ready to play their part in your business narrative.
  5. Designate the user’s role—be it Owner, Manager, or Site Manager—each with their own script of permissions and responsibilities.
  6. Finally, click on Invite, sending out the call to action. Your invitee will receive a digital missive, beckoning them to join forces with you on Google My Business.

These steps are your guide to expanding the ensemble of your online business presence, each user playing a pivotal role in the shared goal of guiding customers to your virtual and physical doorsteps.

Inviting Someone to Your Google Business Account

When the time comes to extend your circle of digital custodians, inviting someone to your Google Business account follows a similar, user-friendly script:

  1. Within the Account permissions list, click on the + symbol, then select Add users to begin the casting call.
  2. Type in the email address for the user’s Google Account—this is their unique identifier in the vast world of Google services.
  3. Opt to Notify new users by email if you wish to send them a direct notification—an electronic herald announcing their potential new role.
  4. Select the permissions you wish to bestow upon them, carefully considering the level of access and control each role entails.

This process ensures that your chosen collaborator is not only invited but also informed of their pending role and responsibilities, setting the stage for a harmonious partnership.

Adding a Person to an Account in Business Manager

Google’s Business Manager offers a comprehensive command center for managing your business’s online presence. To introduce a new protagonist to this platform, follow these steps:

  1. Open Business Manager Settings—the control room of your online operations.
  2. In the People tab on the left, beneath the column of current users, click Add to draft new players into your business story.
  3. Enter the email address of the individual you’re inviting to join the ranks.
  4. This is a moment for inclusivity—you can add multiple people, each one bringing their own talents and perspectives to the table.
  5. Confer upon each person a role that suits their skills, or if you’re still deliberating their parts in your business narrative, click Skip to decide later.

As you add each person to your Business Manager, consider the unique attributes they bring, shaping a diverse and dynamic team that will collaborate to write your business’s continuing success story.

Managing Multiple Owners and Managers in Google My Business

Imagine a bustling coffee shop in the heart of the city, with a team that’s as diverse as its clientele. Every member of this dynamic team plays a significant role in managing the business’s online presence. This is where the power of Google My Business shines, as it allows for seamless collaboration by having multiple owners and managers for a single listing. Like the symphony of a well-orchestrated team, each owner and manager can bring their unique tune to the online profile, enriching the business’s virtual facade.

Owners of the Google My Business listing are akin to captains of a ship. They steer the digital vessel, with the authority to invite new collaborators, remove users, and ensure the business information reflects the ever-evolving nature of their enterprise. Managers, on the other hand, serve as the diligent crew, maintaining the listing’s details, responding to customer inquiries, and updating promotional content—each action contributing to the listing’s relevance and accuracy.

In the world of Google My Business, the hierarchy is designed to provide a structured yet flexible approach to management. Owners have the most extensive control, followed by Managers, who have ample permissions to manage the day-to-day tasks, and finally, Site Managers, who can keep a watchful eye on reviews and posts. It’s a tiered system that empowers team members according to their responsibilities.

For businesses that span across multiple locations or have a large team at the helm, this feature is invaluable. It ensures that no single point of failure can disrupt the online representation of the business. Whether it’s a change in working hours, a new seasonal promotion, or responding to customer reviews, having multiple users at the ready keeps the business agile and responsive.

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Google My Business plans, including Business Starter, Business Standard, and Business Plus, accommodate up to 300 users, catering to small and medium-sized businesses. Meanwhile, the Enterprise plans have no user limit, opening the door for larger organizations to manage their online presence without constraints.

For Google Workspace customers, there might be the cherry on top with access to additional features during promotional periods, offering a sweet deal for businesses looking to maximize their online potential.

As businesses continue to thrive in the digital arena, understanding and utilizing the full capacity of Google My Business’s user management system becomes a critical aspect of their online strategy. The platform’s ability to facilitate collaboration ensures that businesses can present a unified and up-to-date front to the world.

Common Queries Regarding Google Business Profile

Navigating the world of online business representation can be akin to exploring a labyrinth, with various paths to take and decisions to make. One such path leads to the question, “Can I create a second Google account for my business?” The answer, as with many things in the digital realm, is a resounding yes. Google encourages this practice by guiding you towards Google Workspace, a comprehensive suite of tools designed to enhance your business operations and cater to your professional email needs.

Moreover, it’s not uncommon to stumble upon the conundrum of having multiple Google business profiles. The reasons for this are as varied as the businesses themselves. Some find they’ve inadvertently created a duplicate, while others have taken a strategic approach to amplify their visibility. Regardless of the cause, consolidation and accuracy are key to maintaining a trustworthy online presence.

When it comes to enhancing your team’s capabilities, you might wonder, “Why can’t I add someone to Business Manager?” This can happen if you’re not an admin in the Business Manager. To bring someone onboard, they must first be part of your Business Manager network—only then can they be granted access to manage Pages.

In the event that you need to alter your team, adding or removing someone from Business Manager requires administrative privileges. Simply sign in, navigate to the ‘People’ section, select the appropriate individual, and either welcome them aboard or bid them farewell. This level of control ensures that you maintain command over who has influence over your business’s online profile.

Integrating communication platforms like WhatsApp into your Business Manager can streamline customer interactions. This is done through the Business settings, where you can link your WhatsApp Business app phone numbers, thus bridging the gap between you and your clientele.

Lastly, for those ambitious enough to manage multiple ventures, it’s important to note that there is a cap on the number of Business Manager accounts one can create—only two. This limitation ensures that businesses focus on quality over quantity when it comes to their online management.

Each of these facets contributes to a harmonious management experience within Google My Business, allowing business owners to adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.


Q: How do I add a user to my Google My Business account?
A: To add a user to your Google My Business account, log into your account at, click on Users from the side menu, click on Add users, add the user(s) by email address, designate their role, and click on Invite.

Q: What can owners do in Google My Business?
A: Owners have the ability to add or remove profiles, edit business information, and add or remove users in Google My Business.

Q: Can multiple managers edit business information in Google listings?
A: Yes, Google listings can have multiple managers who can also edit business information.

Q: How do I remove someone from Business Manager in Google My Business?
A: To remove someone from Business Manager, you need to be a Business Manager admin. Sign in to Business Manager, click on People, click the More icon next to the person’s name, select Remove, and confirm the removal in the pop-up window.

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