How to Add Someone to Google My Business: A Step-by-Step Guide for Boosting Your Business

Are you looking to expand your team and bring someone on board to manage your Google My Business account? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the simple steps on how to add someone to Google My Business. Whether you’re a business owner or a marketing professional, this guide will ensure a smooth and hassle-free process. So, let’s dive in and empower your business with the collaborative powers of Google My Business!

Understanding Google My Business

Google My Business (GMB), now evolving into Google Business Profile (GBP), stands as a beacon for businesses aiming to amplify their digital footprint. As the digital marketplace burgeons, a GMB profile emerges not just as a mere listing but as a dynamic interface, offering businesses the opportunity to be discovered by a local and global audience. The magic unfolds directly on Google Search and Maps, where a business can bloom from an obscure entity into a community staple.

Imagine a world where your business becomes the answer to the locals’ quest for services or products you offer. That’s the power of a well-crafted GMB profile. With precise location data, compelling photos, and a treasure trove of information, your business doesn’t just appear on the map; it becomes a destination.

For businesses with multiple locations, the GMB profile is particularly significant. It’s like unveiling multiple shop windows in the busiest digital street of the city – Google’s local search results. Each location gains the opportunity to shine individually, drawing in customers with localized charm.

However, the journey begins with verification, a crucial step that ensures the integrity of your business on Google. Although sometimes intricate, this process is a gateway to the myriad of benefits GMB offers, all at no cost. The quest for online visibility starts here, but it doesn’t end until your business ranks at the pinnacle of Google searches.

In July 2022, a transition began. Google My Business transformed into Google Business Profile, signaling a new chapter for local businesses. This evolution reflects Google’s commitment to providing a seamless and integrated experience for business owners managing their listings.

Let’s delve into the facts surrounding this powerful tool with a concise table:

Fact Details
Rebranding Google My Business has evolved into Google Business Profile since July 2022.
Visibility GMB profiles significantly improve online visibility for businesses, especially in local search results.
Verification A verified GMB listing is essential for appearing in Google Maps, albeit the verification process can be complex.
Cost Creating and managing a Business Profile on Google is free, enhancing customer reach without financial burden.

With a narrative woven around these facts, it becomes clear that leveraging Google My Business is a strategic move for any business craving growth and visibility. As we embark on the journey to add someone to your Google My Business, keep these insights as your compass, guiding you to make informed decisions that will propel your business to new heights.

The Role of Users in Google My Business

Imagine a bustling café, where each barista specializes in crafting a unique blend of coffee. Now, picture Google My Business (GMB) as such a café, where each user role serves a specific function to brew the perfect online presence for your business. The owners and managers are akin to the baristas, each possessing distinct abilities to shape the brand’s digital storefront.

As the digital world becomes increasingly collaborative, GMB profiles are designed to support a team approach. Multiple owners can join forces to manage a profile, each with the power to add or remove profiles, edit business information, and add or remove other users. This collective management ensures that the business information stays fresh and accurate, just like how a team of chefs would keep a restaurant’s menu up-to-date and mouthwatering.

While every owner has substantial control, there’s a special role reserved for the primary owner. Think of them as the head chef, holding the keys to the kingdom. They stand out by having the exclusive right to pass on their crown by transferring primary ownership to another user, ensuring that there’s always someone at the helm.

In the world of GMB, managers also play a pivotal role. They can edit business information and respond to reviews, much like sous chefs who refine dishes and interact with diners. However, they operate under the watchful eye of the owners, who hold the ultimate responsibility for the business profile.

The delegation doesn’t end there, as GMB also allows the appointment of communication managers. These individuals are the brand’s storytellers, focusing on crafting messages and interacting with customers, akin to a restaurant’s host who ensures that guests feel welcomed and informed.

This layered approach to user roles in GMB is not just about hierarchy; it’s about collaboration and efficiency. It mirrors a well-oiled machine, where every cog, from the primary owner to the communication manager, works in harmony to create a seamless customer experience.

Ultimately, this structure empowers businesses to have multiple hands on deck, ensuring the GMB profile is a true reflection of the business, responsive to customer interactions, and up to date with the latest information. Whether you’re a small boutique or a multi-location enterprise, understanding and utilizing these roles can elevate your online presence in Google’s vast ecosystem.

How to Add Someone to Google My Business?

Embarking on the digital journey of enhancing your business’s online presence through Google My Business (GMB) is akin to unlocking a treasure trove of local search visibility. The process of adding a new user to your GMB profile is a pivotal step in bolstering your team’s capabilities, ensuring that your business information remains up-to-date and responsive to customer interactions. Let’s navigate this process together, ensuring that you can confidently expand your digital team and enhance your business’s reach.

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To begin, sign into your Google My Business account with the assurance that you are taking an important step towards optimizing your local search presence. Once inside, the world of GMB opens up, inviting you to select the specific location you wish to manage. This is particularly crucial for businesses with multiple locations, as it allows for a tailored approach to each unique storefront or service area.

After choosing your location, the next step is akin to opening the doors to collaboration. Select ‘Users‘ from the intuitive GMB menu, which serves as your gateway to managing who can contribute to your business’s profile. Here, you are met with the option to invite a new visionary to your digital team by clicking on the “Invite New User” icon, a symbol of expanding horizons and shared responsibility.

As you stand at the crossroads of decision-making, you will be prompted to add the new user’s email address. This act of sharing access is a testament to trust and teamwork, essential ingredients for business growth. You are then presented with the power to define their role within the GMB realm. Will they be a fellow Owner, a trusted Manager, or an engaging Communication Manager? Choose wisely, for each role comes with its unique set of permissions and capacities to shape the customer experience.

With the role selected, the final step is to click ‘Invite‘. This simple yet impactful action sends forth an invitation, akin to extending a hand in digital partnership. The invitee will then receive an email, beckoning them to join the ranks of those dedicated to nurturing your business’s online footprint. Together, with each accepted invitation, your team grows stronger, more diverse, and ready to take on the ever-evolving challenges and opportunities of the online marketplace.

Do note, however, that the newly minted user will not have immediate access. They must accept the invitation to officially step into their role. This ensures a secure transition and acknowledges their readiness to contribute to your business’s success. With every new user added, your GMB profile becomes more robust, versatile, and primed for the dynamic world of local search engagement.

Adding someone to your Google My Business account is more than just a few clicks; it’s an invitation to collaborate, innovate, and grow. As you continue this journey, remember that a well-maintained GMB profile is a beacon to potential customers, signaling that your business is active, attentive, and ready to meet their needs.

Adding Someone to Google My Business via Business Manager

Navigating the digital management of your business can be akin to steering a ship through the bustling waterways of commerce. As the captain of your enterprise, it’s vital to have a competent crew. This is where the power of delegation within Google My Business (GMB) becomes invaluable. Bringing new members aboard via Business Manager can expand your team’s ability to respond to reviews, update information, and engage with customers. Here’s how you set sail on this vital process.

Firstly, chart your course by opening Business Manager Settings. Much like plotting a navigational route, this will lead you to the tools you need to grow your team.

  1. In the People tab on the left, below the People column, click Add.
  2. Enter the email address of the person you want to add. Casting a wide net? You can add multiple people at once, just as easily as welcoming a group of new sailors to your ship.
  3. Each person can be assigned a role. If you’re not ready to assign a role just yet, akin to assigning a sailor their duties, you can click Skip.
  4. Now, click on the “Invite New User” icon. This action opens the gateway to collaboration, much like opening your vessel to new horizons.

On the new window, an organized list of all users currently attached to the account will appear—your crew in its entirety. Here, you can see who is already part of your team and manage their roles.

  • Add an email and select the user’s role. Enter the new user’s email and designate them a role. Will they be a fellow Captain (Owner), a First Mate (Manager), or perhaps a Scout (Communication Manager)?

Once you’ve made your selections, a simple click on invite sends them an invitation to join your crew. The sea of business is vast, and with the right team, you’re well-equipped to navigate it successfully.

Accepting Invitations: For those receiving the beacon to join, they can view and accept invitations by signing in to Business Profile Manager and clicking Manage invites. Here, new members can officially come aboard and begin their journey with you.

By following these streamlined steps, you can efficiently expand your crew and ensure that your business’s presence on the digital seas is robust, responsive, and ready to meet the ever-changing tides of customer needs.

Adding Someone to Google My Business via Google Domains

Imagine your business is a ship navigating the vast ocean of the digital world. Your website is the sail, and Google My Business (GMB) is the rudder that helps steer towards success. But just like a ship needs a capable crew to harness the winds and waves, your GMB account thrives when bolstered by a team of trusted collaborators. Adding someone to your GMB account via Google Domains is like recruiting a skilled sailor to your crew, enhancing your ability to manage your online presence with expertise and efficiency.

Embarking on this journey requires you to begin at the helm of your Google Domains dashboard. Here’s how you can enlist additional members to your digital crew:

  1. Sign in to Google Domains using the Google account that has authority over your domain.
  2. Chart your course by selecting the name of your domain.
  3. Navigate to the Email section, an essential communication tool in your arsenal.
  4. Under the “Add or remove people from Google Workspace,” find the Edit option next to the user you wish to promote to an administrator.
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This process doesn’t just add a user; it grants them access to Google Workspace, where collaboration is not just possible but optimized. With these newfound permissions, your chosen crew members can dive into the depths of GMB, managing emails, calendars, and other Google services that are crucial to your business’s online voyage.

As a captain in these digital waters, you must ensure that your crew is equipped with the right roles and responsibilities. By carefully selecting individuals to add to your Google My Business via Google Domains, you’re not just expanding your team; you’re empowering your business with a fleet of adept navigators, each ready to take the wheel and guide your enterprise to new horizons.

Remember, these steps are reserved for the account owner and must be undertaken before any changes in domain ownership. By keeping your crew well-versed in their duties and your ship steadily on course, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of online business management.

Additional Features and Limitations

Embarking on the digital journey of managing your business online comes with its share of nuances that one must navigate with precision. When it comes to Google My Business (GMB), understanding its capabilities and constraints is tantamount to wielding the tool effectively. Whether you’re a small local bakery or a burgeoning enterprise, being cognizant of these aspects can amplify your business’s online presence.

For those starting out with GMB, take note that the various plans available—Business Starter, Business Standard, and Business Plus—have a cap at a maximum of 300 users. This threshold is designed to accommodate a wide range of businesses, ensuring that even medium-sized companies can manage their online information without hitting a ceiling too soon.

In contrast, the Enterprise plans break through these confines, offering unlimited users which cater to the expansive needs of large-scale operations. The absence of user limit here mirrors the limitless possibilities these organizations command in the market.

Google Workspace customers are privy to an exclusive suite of features that may extend beyond the standard GMB offerings. These features, accessible during a limited promotional period, provide an edge in managing one’s business profile with greater finesse.

Moreover, the flexibility of creating up to 30 email aliases per user can be a game-changer. This functionality allows for a streamlined communication flow within your organization, ensuring that every query, be it from a customer or a team member, is directed to the right person promptly.

As a tapestry of collaboration is woven into the fabric of your business, these features and limitations guide the loom. The right understanding of GMB’s scope not only aligns your team’s efforts but also shapes the digital narrative your business tells the world.

Boost Your Business with Google My Business

Embarking on the digital journey of enhancing your business’s online presence through Google My Business (GMB) is a strategic move akin to unlocking a treasure trove of opportunities. Whether you’re a quaint café in the heart of the city or a burgeoning franchise expanding its wings, GMB serves as your digital storefront, beckoning potential customers to discover what you have to offer.

Imagine the bustling virtual streets of the internet where every click can lead to a new customer or a loyal patron. Your GMB profile acts as a beacon, guiding these clicks to your doorstep. But managing this digital presence is not a solo endeavor. It thrives on the collective effort of your team, each member bringing their unique expertise to the table. Adding the right users to your GMB account is not just an administrative task; it’s a step towards weaving a stronger web of online visibility and customer interaction.

Empower your team by delegating roles and responsibilities within your GMB profile—assign managers to update crucial information, post engaging content, and respond to reviews, while entrusting communications experts to craft the narrative of your brand’s story. With each user playing their part, your business becomes a dynamic entity, ever-present and responsive in the eyes of those who seek your services.

As you add users to your GMB account, remember that this is more than just a routine. It is a strategic play in the grand chessboard of digital marketing. Each move you make—be it a new post, a festive offer, or a heartfelt response to a customer review—can tip the scales in favor of your business. And with a team of skilled navigators at the helm of your GMB listing, you’re not just visible; you’re invincible.

So, take that decisive step. Add users to your GMB profile, unleash the full potential of your business, and watch as it blossoms in the digital garden of Google’s vast ecosystem. Let your business grow not just in size, but in reputation and reach, and let the world see the fruits of your labor through the lens of Google My Business.


Q: How do I add someone to Google My Business?
A: To add someone to Google My Business, sign in to your account, choose the location, select “user” from the menu, click on the “Invite New User” icon, add the person’s email, select their role, and click “invite” to send the invitation.

Q: Can a Google My Business profile have multiple owners?
A: Yes, a Google My Business profile can have multiple owners. Each owner has the ability to add or remove profiles, edit business information, and add or remove users.

Q: Can a Google listing have multiple managers?
A: Yes, a Google listing can have multiple managers who can edit business information.

Q: How do I add someone to an account in Business Manager?
A: To add someone to an account in Business Manager, open Business Manager Settings, click on the People tab, click Add, enter the person’s email address, assign them a role (optional), and click invite.

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