How to Add a User to Google My Business: A Step-by-Step Guide to Expanding Your Team

Are you struggling to figure out how to add a user to your Google My Business profile? Look no further! In this blog post, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of adding a user to your Google My Business profile, ensuring that you have all the necessary information to get started. Whether you’re a business owner or a digital marketer, having multiple users on your Google My Business profile can greatly enhance your online presence and streamline your operations. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets to successfully adding a user to your Google My Business profile.

Adding a User to Your Google My Business Profile

Unlocking the full potential of your online presence requires meticulous attention to detail and, oftentimes, a collaborative effort. Google My Business (GMB) serves as a cornerstone for such efforts, offering a robust platform for businesses to amplify their visibility. A pivotal feature of GMB is the ability to craft a dynamic team by adding multiple users to your business profile. This process, while straightforward, is a gateway to enhanced management and a more substantial digital footprint.

Imagine you are at the helm of a bustling café. Your days are swathed in the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sounds of frothing milk. Amidst this, you are tasked with managing your café’s online presence. The solution? Delegation through GMB. Here’s how to add a user, encapsulated in a series of streamlined steps:

Step Action Description
1 Sign In Access your Google My Business Profile.
2 Choose Location Select the specific location you wish to manage if you have multiple.
3 Navigate to “Users” Locate and click the “Users” button within the dashboard.
4 Invite New User Click on the “Invite New User” icon, enter their email, and assign a role.
5 Send Invitation Hit “Invite” to send an email invitation to the prospective user.

Indeed, multiple users can manage a single Google My Business profile, each donning unique roles from owner to manager. This feature is a boon for businesses, enabling a division of labor that can streamline operations and foster a more vibrant online identity. An owner can invite others, edit critical information, and manage roles, while a manager can perform daily tasks without altering user configurations.

So, whether you’re the sole proprietor of a quaint bookstore, or the bustling hub of a local eatery, adding trusted individuals to your GMB profile can help ensure your business thrives online. Harnessing the collective expertise of your team, you can keep your business information up-to-date, respond to reviews promptly, and engage with your customers effectively, all through the collaborative power granted by Google My Business.

Remember, the journey of managing your online presence does not end here. In the upcoming sections, we’ll delve deeper into the specific roles and capabilities of users, discuss the nuances of managing multiple business profiles, and explore the creation of a second Google account for business use. Stay with us as we navigate the digital landscape of Google My Business management.

Steps to Add a User to Your Google My Business Profile

Imagine the ease of having a trusted colleague or partner manage your business’s online inquiries while you focus on the day-to-day operations. Google My Business (GMB) empowers you to do just that by allowing the addition of multiple users to your profile. Let’s walk through the key steps to extend collaboration on your GMB profile, ensuring that the right individuals have the access they need to help your business flourish online.

  1. Begin by signing into your Google My Business profile. This is your gateway to opening up a world of collaborative potential.
  2. Within your GMB dashboard, select the specific location you wish to manage if you have multiple locations under your belt.
  3. Click the “Users” button, usually signified by an icon resembling multiple silhouettes, which brings you to the heart of user management.
  4. Here, you’ll find the “Invite New Managers” icon, a symbolic gateway to expanding your team’s digital prowess.
  5. Enter the email address of the prospective user and choose their role with precision. Will they be a Manager, with ample control, or a Communications Manager, who can engage with customer reviews and insights?
  6. Finally, click “Invite”, dispatching a digital missive that, once accepted, empowers your chosen ally to contribute to your business’s online narrative.

With these steps, you’ve not just sent an invitation; you’ve opened a door to enhanced digital management and customer interaction. Each user you invite is a potential catalyst for growth, a new voice in the symphony of your business’s online presence.

Adding a User to Your Google Business Account

Should your needs extend beyond a single profile, adding a user to your overarching Google Business Account is just as intuitive:

  • Click on the “Invite New User” icon, a beacon for new collaborators.
  • A new window unfurls, presenting a roster of current users, a testament to your business’s collective effort.
  • Add the new user’s email and select their role, determining the weight of their digital influence.
  • Click “Invite”, and watch as your team’s capabilities potentially expand with each new addition.

Each step is a strategic move towards a more robust and responsive online presence, with your Google Business Account acting as the central hub of this collective enterprise.

Adding a User Using the Admin Console

For those who prefer the command and control of the Google Admin console:

  1. Sign into your Google Admin console, your dashboard for detailed domain management.
  2. Navigate to the Menu and select Directory, where the fabric of your team’s digital access is woven.
  3. At the pinnacle of the page, you’re presented with the option to Invite new user/Add new user, a choice that beckons further expansion.
  4. Complete the form, a simple yet pivotal process that defines the new user’s role within your organization’s digital domain.
  5. For every additional collaborator, repeat these steps, each one a brushstroke in the broader picture of your business’s online identity.

The Google Admin console provides a more granular level of control, ideal for businesses that crave a meticulous approach to user management.

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With each user added, your Google My Business profile becomes not just a listing, but a dynamic platform for growth, customer engagement, and brand representation. As we continue, we’ll delve into the specific roles and capabilities these users can hold, further sculpting your business’s digital visage.

Roles and Capabilities of Users

Embarking on the journey of managing your Google My Business (GMB) listing is akin to captaining a ship. Just as a ship’s crew is essential for a smooth voyage, so too are the users you add to your GMB profile. They help navigate the ebbs and flows of your business’s online presence. Understanding the distinct roles and capabilities of each user type is paramount for maintaining order and efficiency on deck.

There are three primary user roles within the GMB framework:

  • Owners
  • Managers
  • Site Managers

Let’s delve into the specific responsibilities and privileges each role entails, ensuring you’re well-equipped to assign them judiciously.


The Owner is the master of the GMB listing, holding the helm with full access rights. Akin to a captain, the Owner steers the ship, directing its course and capable of making pivotal decisions. While there can be only one primary owner, there’s room on the bridge for multiple owners. They stand shoulder to shoulder, sharing the ability to:

  • Add or remove other owners and managers
  • Edit all business information
  • Manage all aspects of the listing


As the Manager, think of yourself as the first mate, entrusted with significant responsibilities but not holding the ultimate authority of the Owner. Managers are vital for day-to-day operations, granted substantial control to:

  • Edit business information
  • Respond to reviews
  • Post updates and photos

However, they cannot alter user roles or remove the listing—a safeguard to maintain the Owner’s supremacy.

Site Manager

The Site Manager is akin to a navigator, focusing on specific tasks rather than overseeing the entire vessel. This role is more limited but still pivotal, enabling the user to:

  • Update certain business details
  • Interact with customers through reviews and messaging

Site managers are ideal for specialists or junior team members who require access without the need for broader administrative powers.

With this crew of users, your GMB listing can sail smoothly towards the horizon of online business success. Assign these roles with care, and your business will thrive on the digital seas, harnessing the winds of the internet to reach new customers and opportunities.

As we continue to chart the course of adding users to your Google My Business account, bear in mind the importance of assigning the right roles to the right individuals. This not only streamlines your workflow but also secures your online presence.

Multiple Users and Business Profiles

The digital era has brought forth a symphony of collaboration, and the Google My Business platform sings this tune beautifully. Picture a bustling marketplace where each vendor’s stall is a unique business profile. Now, imagine a group of skilled artisans, each contributing to the success of these stalls. In this digital marketplace, multiple owners can come together to collectively manage a single Google My Business profile, harmonizing their efforts to ensure the business thrives online.

But why stop at one stall when you can orchestrate a whole bazaar? Google My Business allows for the creation of business groups, a feature that’s akin to conducting a choir of profiles. This grand ensemble enables an organized management of multiple business profiles, streamlining operations like a well-rehearsed symphony.

When it comes to numbers, think of Google My Business as a grand theater with plenty of seats. For the Business Starter, Business Standard, and Business Plus plans, up to 300 users can join the audience. In contrast, the Enterprise plans offer an unrestricted seating capacity, with no minimum or maximum user limit, ensuring that every voice in your business can be heard, regardless of the size of your enterprise.

Within this thriving community of profiles and users, each individual plays a unique role. Owners are like the directors of the play, with the power to shape the narrative by adding or removing profiles, editing business information, and managing user access. Managers, on the other hand, are akin to the lead actors, influencing the performance with their ability to edit business information, though they do not hold the director’s absolute authority.

This flexible structure allows businesses to scale their online presence, ensuring the right people have the right access to foster growth and maintain a strong online identity. It’s a masterful composition of roles and responsibilities, orchestrated to create the perfect balance between control and collaboration.

As we continue to navigate through the digital bazaar of Google My Business, remember that each profile, each user, contributes to the overall melody of your online presence. The next sections will guide you on how to tune your instruments, adding users and roles with precision, ensuring your business’s digital concerto resonates with clarity and success.

Creating a Second Google Account for Business Use

In today’s digital landscape, the lines between personal and professional online identities can often blur. To ensure clarity and efficiency, many savvy business owners opt for delineation by creating a second Google Account dedicated solely to their business endeavors. This strategic move not only helps to maintain a professional image but also streamlines operations.

When embarking on this journey, Google assists by offering a straightforward choice. Upon initiating the process of creating a new account, you will encounter a pivotal decision point: are you setting up this account for personal gratification or professional empowerment? Selecting ‘To manage my business’ will steer you toward the realm of Google Workspace, a suite designed to bolster your business with a plethora of tools tailored for enterprise productivity.

Google Workspace is not just a mere collection of applications; it’s a comprehensive ecosystem where collaboration flourishes, and efficiency reigns. From Gmail to Drive, from Calendar to Meet, each application synergizes to forge an online presence that is both commanding and cohesive. This digital domain becomes a bastion for your business activities, a sanctuary where you can engage with clients, manage projects, and drive growth with precision and professionalism.

Imagine a world where your business correspondence is neatly compartmentalized away from your personal emails, where documents are organized within dedicated drives, and schedules are meticulously maintained on business-centric calendars. This is the streamlined existence that a Google Workspace account can offer to the modern-day entrepreneur.

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Moreover, by establishing a separate Google Account for your business, you’re not just crafting an online identity; you’re setting the foundation for scalable growth. As your business expands, so too can your Google Workspace, with options to add team members, delegate responsibilities, and manage user roles with ease. This ensures that as the captain of your digital ship, you retain the ability to navigate through the vast seas of online business management, with the flexibility to adjust your crew as necessary.

It is important to note that while a second Google Account can be a game-changer, it’s also a commitment to maintaining a dual presence online. This requires diligent management but fear not, for the rewards often outweigh the effort, manifesting in enhanced organization, improved productivity, and a clear delineation between the personal and professional spheres of your digital world.

So, take the leap and create a Google Account that mirrors the professional image you wish to project to the world. Allow it to become the digital face of your business, a face that is distinct, organized, and ready to interact with the marketplace with unyielding purpose and professionalism.

Adding Users to Business Manager

As you embark on the journey of enhancing your business’s online presence, you may find yourself at the helm of Google My Business, a pivotal tool for managing your company’s visibility. There comes a time when expanding your crew becomes essential for navigating the vast digital seas. This is where adding users to your Business Manager becomes a strategic move, similar to bringing on deck experienced sailors to help steer your ship.

In the digital realm, delegation is just a few clicks away. To initiate this process, you must dive into the Business Manager Settings. Imagine this as the captain’s quarters of your online vessel, where strategic decisions are made. Once there, seek out the People tab, which is akin to your crew’s roster. Here lies the power to grow your team.

With a simple click on Add, you open the door to new possibilities, inviting others to join your venture. Enter the email address of the prospective team member, an action comparable to extending a hand in welcome. You’re not limited to one; invite multiple people to bring a diverse array of skills and perspectives aboard.

Each new recruit can be entrusted with a specific role, like assigning a navigator, a boatswain, or a lookout to your crew. These roles define the boundaries of their responsibilities and the extent of their access. Should you choose to onboard them without specific duties for the time being, simply click Skip. This allows them to come aboard as deckhands, ready to be assigned a post when the time is right.

Remember, as the captain of your digital enterprise, it’s crucial to maintain order and clarity within your ranks. By thoughtfully adding users to your Business Manager, you ensure a well-organized crew, each member playing a vital role in the success of your online endeavors. As you continue to chart the course for your business, this addition to your team becomes a beacon of collaboration and growth.

Keep in mind, the seas of business are ever-changing, and so are your crew’s needs. The flexibility to add or adjust roles as your business evolves is a feature that underscores the adaptability of Google My Business. It’s a testament to the platform’s understanding that a successful voyage requires both a strong command and the ability to adapt to new horizons.

With each new user added, your business’s digital presence becomes more robust, mirroring the collective strength of a ship’s crew, each member contributing their expertise. Embrace this process, and watch as your business sails smoothly towards its desired destination.

Multiple Users on One Google Account

Imagine the convenience of a well-oiled machine, where each cog turns in harmony with the others. This is the seamless experience Google strives to provide with its multi-user functionality. The digital realm, much like the bridge of a ship, requires a team to navigate successfully. Google recognizes this and has thus enabled the possibility of having multiple users on one Google Account. This feature is akin to having a crew ready to manage the vessel that is your online presence.

To embark on this journey, navigate to the Settings app of your device. Picture yourself as the captain, setting the course by tapping on System, charting the path through Multiple users, and finally, with a decisive action, tapping Add user. Here, you’re not just adding a user; you’re inviting a trusted ally to share the helm.

It’s important to specify the primary user when enabling multiple sign-in access. This user holds the map and the compass, being the one who guides the others. By setting a managed Google Account as the primary, you ensure that secondary users can sign in simultaneously, yet the primary user retains the control necessary to maintain direction and purpose.

Enabling this feature is not merely a step towards shared access, but a leap towards collaborative synergy. With it, you ensure that your Google My Business profile remains a beacon of accurate and up-to-date information. The collective effort of the crew ensures that the ship sails smoothly, with each member playing a pivotal role in the voyage of your business’s digital narrative.

In the vast ocean of online business, where competitors are but a wave away, having multiple users on your Google Account can be the difference between drifting aimlessly and steering towards the harbor of success. So, set your sails and ready your crew, for the digital seas await.


Q: How do I add a user to my Google My Business profile?
A: To add a user to your Google My Business profile, sign in to your profile, open the location you want to manage, click the “Users” button, and then click on the “Invite New Managers” icon. Enter the user’s email and select their role, then click “Invite.”

Q: Can a Google My Business profile have multiple owners?
A: Yes, a Google My Business profile can have multiple owners. Owners have the ability to add or remove profiles, edit business information, and add or remove users.

Q: What is the role of a manager in a Google My Business listing?
A: Managers in a Google My Business listing can edit business information. They do not have the ability to add or remove profiles or users.

Q: What are the different types of users for Google My Business listings?
A: There are three types of users for Google My Business listings: Owner, Manager, and Site Manager. Each user type has specific roles and capabilities.

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