How to Easily Add 2 Locations on Google My Business and Boost Your Local Visibility

Are you a business owner with multiple locations? Want to know the secret to managing them all effortlessly on Google My Business? Look no further! In this blog post, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of adding not just one, but two locations on Google My Business. Whether you’re a small business owner expanding to a new area or a franchise owner with multiple branches, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and unlock the potential of reaching a wider audience with the power of Google My Business.

Adding Multiple Locations on Google My Business

Expanding your business to encompass multiple locations is an exciting venture, signifying growth and success. As you spread your wings across new horizons, ensuring that each of these locations is visible and manageable online becomes crucial. Google My Business (GMB) simplifies this by providing a centralized dashboard to oversee your empire of locations with ease. Let’s delve into how you can effectively add these new chapters to your business story.

To begin, navigate to your GMB dashboard and look for the “Businesses” option, which serves as the command center for your locations. Here, you can create a cohesive structure for your business listings by setting up a location group. This group acts like a folder, keeping all your locations organized under one roof.

Once your group is created, adding a new location is as simple as clicking on ‘Add Locations’. This is the first step to casting a wider net over potential customers, making sure your business shows up no matter where they are searching from.

Here’s a quick glance at the key steps and facts to guide you through this process:

Action Description
Create a Location Group Manage multiple locations under one umbrella for efficient updates.
Add Single Location Enter specific details for each location to enhance local visibility.
Manage Locations Update business information across all locations in bulk.

Remember, these steps are not just about adding an address; they’re about planting digital signposts that guide customers straight to your doorsteps, irrespective of the location. And with the ability to add not just one, but multiple locations, your business can truly become a local favorite wherever you set up shop.

Embrace the power of Google My Business to cultivate a strong local presence for each of your locations. Stay tuned for insights on how to verify and manage them effectively in the sections to come.

How to Add a New Location to Google My Business

Embarking on the journey to bolster your business’s online visibility is like planting a flag on the digital map, signalling to potential customers that you are open for business. When it’s time to expand your reach by adding a new location to your Google My Business (GMB) profile, the process should be as smooth as the service you provide. Let’s walk through the steps to ensure your new locale is digitally signposted with precision and ease.

  1. Begin by navigating to your Google My Business dashboard, your command center for managing your business’s online presence.
  2. Locate and click on the Manage Locations tab, which is your gateway to overseeing all your business spots on Google.
  3. Within this tab, you’ll find the Add Location drop-down menu. Here, select Add Single Location to proceed with adding an individual new address.
  4. Now, let the prompts be your guide as you input the details of your new business location. Imagine each piece of information as a breadcrumb leading customers directly to your door.

As you fill out the necessary fields, consider the importance of accuracy and detail. The name of your business, its address, and contact information are not just formalities; they are the vital stats customers rely on to find you, trust you, and choose you over competitors. A missing suite number or a transposed phone digit can mean the difference between a new customer and a missed opportunity.

Remember, while this section is about adding a single new location, you may have more to include. Keep in mind that consistency across all listings is crucial for maintaining a professional and reliable image. It’s not just about being found; it’s about being chosen, time and time again.

With these steps, your new location will soon be ready for the verification process, which is the next crucial phase in establishing your business’s local presence. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves—that’s a story for the upcoming section. For now, focus on laying down the digital foundation that will support your business’s growth and ensure that your customers—both current and potential—can easily connect with you, no matter where you are on the map.

Verifying Multiple Locations on Google My Business

Imagine the sense of accomplishment when you see all your business locations pinpointed on Google Maps, ready to welcome a stream of customers. But before that can happen, there’s a pivotal step you need to take: verifying each of those locations. This process is like putting a stamp of authenticity on your business presence online. Let’s walk through the verification journey.

Embarking on the Bulk Verification Process

Verifying multiple locations on Google My Business is a streamlined affair, designed to save you time and effort. If you have more than 10 locations under your business umbrella, you’re eligible for bulk verification, which is a boon for multi-location businesses. Here’s how to set that in motion:

  1. Access the Business Profile Manager on your computer and log in with your business account credentials.
  2. Navigate to the left-hand menu and click on Verifications. Here, you’ll find the gateway to the next critical step.
  3. Select the option labeled Chain. This is the path for businesses with multiple outposts to verify all at once.
  4. Prepare to fill out the verification form. It’s a brief interlude where you’ll provide essential details such as your business name, and if applicable, the parent company. Each piece of information you enter is a step closer to your goal.
  5. Once you’ve dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s, submit the form. With that, you’ve cast your net wide, capturing all your locations in the verification process.

Upon submission, there’s a moment of anticipation while Google reviews your application. It’s a brief pause in your digital journey, after which you can look forward to the validation of your business locations across the board. Once verified, your locations will not only gain visibility but also the trust of users searching for your services.

Adding Multiple Locations to Google Maps

Integrating with Google Maps is a strategic move that can significantly elevate your local search presence. As you set out to add multiple business locations on Google Maps, remember that each new pin on the map is an invitation to potential customers. To ensure your business locations are easy to find and navigate to, here’s what you need to do:

  • Grab your Android device and open the Google Maps app. It’s your starting point in this digital mapping expedition.
  • Tap on Contribute and then Add place. This is where you begin the process of marking new territories.
  • Follow the onscreen prompts with the precision of a cartographer. You’ll add the new location, giving customers one more way to discover your business.
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Each step is a brushstroke in the bigger picture of your business’s online presence, painting a landscape where every location is a beacon to customers old and new. By the end of this process, you’ll have crafted a digital map that’s not only a guide but a testament to your business’s growth and reach.

Remember, verification is more than a formality—it’s a crucial piece in the puzzle of online credibility. Ensuring that your multiple business locations are verified is the foundation of building a trustworthy and reliable image in the eyes of your customers. It’s the digital equivalent of a firm handshake—a gesture that communicates confidence and authenticity in the business world.

Now that you know the ropes, it’s time to set sail on the verification voyage. And soon, with all your locations verified, you’ll be ready to welcome a sea of customers who can find you easily and confidently choose your services over the competition.

Managing Your Business Locations

When it comes to establishing a robust online presence for each of your business locations, the devil is in the details. Imagine a customer searching for your service; the convenience of finding the exact location nearest to them, with a unique phone number to reach out, can make all the difference. That’s why Google My Business mandates that each of your locations must stand out with its very own phone number. This isn’t just a suggestion; it’s a rule set in stone to prevent confusion and ensure the highest level of customer service.

Let’s paint a picture: A customer dials the number listed on the business profile, expecting a quick answer to their query. Now, if this number were centralized, not only would the customer be tossed into a sea of options, but the personal touch of local service would be lost. To avoid this, Google My Business helps you maintain the authenticity and individuality of each location by allowing you to create separate sub-pages. These sub-pages act as individual stages where each of your locations can shine, complete with detailed information that tells the unique story of that locale.

Remember, in the intricate tapestry of businesses online, your ability to provide direct and personal customer service is the thread that can either bind your customers to you or have them unravel away. Each location’s unique phone number is a testament to your commitment to personalized service.

Beyond customer interaction, these sub-pages are pivotal for managing distinct aspects like operational hours, special promotions, and events that are unique to each location. This not only optimizes user experience but also plays a significant role in search engine optimization (SEO), making it easier for your customers to find exactly what they’re looking for, exactly where they’re looking for it.

Remember, the goal is to create a seamless and convenient experience for your customers while also ensuring your business is easily discoverable. With a unique phone number for each location, you’re not just a name in a directory; you become a local staple, a part of the community, accessible and reliable. In the vast ocean of online businesses, it’s these thoughtful touches that act as a lighthouse, guiding customers to your shores.

As you continue to expand your business’s reach, know that the power of local touch is irreplaceable. With every new location you add to Google My Business, you’re not just adding a pin on the map; you’re planting a flag, declaring your presence, and inviting the community to engage with your business on a personal level.

And while managing multiple locations might seem daunting, the next sections will guide you through handling reviews and adding multiple email accounts to ensure that your business’s online management is as streamlined as the service you provide.

Handling Reviews for Multiple Locations

Imagine a mosaic of feedback, each tile a colorful testament to a customer’s experience at one of your diverse locations. Reviews on Google My Business (GMB) reflect the unique character of each place, painting a picture of local flavor and service. As such, these customer insights are tied distinctly to the site of the customer’s patronage, ensuring authenticity and relevance. This means, quite simply, that reviews are not a shared commodity among your various locales — each must earn its own reputation.

But fear not, for managing this spectrum of opinions does not require a Herculean effort. With a well-orchestrated strategy using a location group, you can oversee the reputational landscape of your multiple establishments through a single GMB listing. This centralized approach allows for efficiency and control, granting you the power to respond to feedback, engage with your customers, and sculpt the public image of your business with a few clicks.

To set up a location group, think of it as gathering your business locations under one roof, where you can tenderly nurture them. This feature is especially beneficial for businesses with 10 or more locations, streamlining the management process. Once your location group is in place, you can address each review with personal attention, ensuring that each customer feels heard and valued.

It’s critical to approach this task with the understanding that your response to reviews can significantly impact your business’s standing. A thoughtful reply to a positive review can amplify customer loyalty, while a considerate resolution to a negative one can turn a critic into a champion. By managing your reviews collectively, yet individually, you create a tapestry of trust and reliability that entices new customers while retaining the old.

Remember, in the digital age, a review is more than just a comment; it’s a window into the customer experience. And with GMB’s robust platform, you have the tools to ensure that each window reflects the best of what your business has to offer, one location at a time.

As we continue to weave through the intricacies of managing multiple locations, let’s pivot to the next step in our journey — the addition of multiple email accounts to your GMB profile.

Adding Multiple Email Accounts

As you master the art of managing your flourishing business presence across different locations on Google My Business (GMB), there’s another tool in the digital kit to enhance your operational efficiency: the addition of multiple email accounts. This feature is a godsend for businesses that thrive on teamwork and delegation, allowing various team members to engage with the platform under their unique credentials. Picture this: a well-orchestrated symphony where each department — from marketing to customer service — plays its part harmoniously through dedicated email channels.

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To initiate this process, the pathway is straightforward. Navigate to the Gmail settings, a familiar home base for many digital endeavors. Here, you’ll encounter the option to “Add another address” nestled within the “Multiple email addresses” section. By selecting this, you open the door to creating additional Gmail addresses, each with distinct usernames and passwords.

This is not merely about multiplying your email list; it’s a strategic move to empower your team. Imagine a scenario where each location manager has access to a unique email, tailored to address the needs and inquiries of their specific community. It’s a seamless way to ensure that local concerns are met with personalized, timely responses. Moreover, each email account can serve as a vessel for location-specific marketing campaigns, weaving a narrative that resonates with the local clientele.

Embracing multiple email accounts on GMB is akin to laying a mosaic of communication channels, each piece contributing to the grand picture of operational excellence. Remember, while individuality thrives, unity in brand message and customer experience must prevail. This balance is what will propel your business towards becoming a beacon of trust and reliability in the eyes of your customers, both locally and beyond.

And for those wondering about the limits, rest assured that Google has a generous allowance. You can add up to 30 email aliases per user, ensuring that your business has ample room to grow and diversify its communication strategies. So go ahead, give your team the gift of specialized email accounts, and watch as they help elevate your business’s presence across multiple GMB locations.

Changing Your Google Location

Expanding your business’s horizons can often mean reaching beyond the familiar confines of your home country. Google My Business (GMB) understands the dynamic nature of today’s global market and provides a seamless feature to change your Google location to another country. This is particularly beneficial for businesses that operate on an international scale or are looking to tap into new markets abroad.

Imagine you own a quaint café in Paris, and you’ve decided to charm the city of Tokyo with your delightful pastries. With GMB, you can easily bridge the gap between these two vibrant cultures. While the precise steps to transition your location internationally are not outlined here, the process is typically straightforward and user-friendly, designed to ensure that your business’s new venture is reflected accurately on Google.

Such a change not only helps in managing your business listings accurately but also in tailoring your marketing efforts to cater to the local audience in the new country. Localization of your business information ensures that when a customer in Tokyo searches for the best pastries in town, your café pops up, complete with the local address, business hours, and reviews that resonate with the local clientele.

It’s crucial to note that this transition should be done thoughtfully. The internet never forgets, and an incorrectly placed marker or outdated address could mislead potential customers. Therefore, when you’re setting sail for a new shore, take a moment to ensure every digital coordinate points true north to your new location.

Remember, while expanding your business’s geographical footprint on Google My Business, you’re not just updating an address; you’re extending an invitation to a whole new community to experience what you have to offer. This digital relocation is a testament to your business’s growth and adaptability in the ever-evolving economic landscape.

As your business blooms across borders, GMB stands as a steadfast partner, ensuring that your locations, be they in the cobbled streets of Paris or the bustling avenues of Tokyo, are just a click away for your customers.


Embarking on the digital journey of managing multiple business locations can seem like navigating through a labyrinth, but with Google My Business as your guide, the path becomes clear and straightforward. Picture this: Each of your business locations is a unique star in the vast online universe, and GMB acts as the constellation that brings them together, creating a cohesive, shining presence that guides customers straight to your doorsteps.

By leveraging the power of GMB, you can seamlessly add, verify, and manage all your locations with a few clicks, transforming what could be a complex process into an intuitive and rewarding experience. Each location’s online presence is enhanced, making it a beacon for customers searching for your services. This translates into an uplifted online presence, where visibility is key, and customer engagement is paramount.

Imagine the ease of customers finding reviews, store hours, and directions for all of your locations in one place. This is not just about convenience; it’s about creating a trustworthy brand image that resonates across different regions. Whether a customer is a local resident or a traveler from another country, they will find consistent, accurate information that reflects the high standard of your business.

With GMB, you are also empowered to manage and respond to customer reviews efficiently, fostering a positive relationship with your clientele. This interactive platform allows you to address feedback and showcase your dedication to customer satisfaction, further enhancing your reputation.

Moreover, the ability to incorporate up to 30 email aliases per user means that your marketing strategies can be as diverse as your locations. Tailor your communication to resonate with local communities, and watch as your business becomes a familiar, trusted name in each area you serve.

In conclusion, Google My Business is not just a tool; it’s an extension of your business strategy, a digital ally that works tirelessly to ensure that your locations are discovered and appreciated. It’s the bridge between your business and potential customers, making every search a potential connection and every listing an opportunity for growth. Embrace the simplicity and effectiveness of GMB, and watch as your business expands its horizons, one location at a time.


Q: How do I start managing multiple locations on Google My Business?
A: To start managing multiple locations on Google My Business, click on the “Businesses” option at the top left corner of your Business Profile Manager, then click on ‘Create Group’ and ‘Add Locations’.

Q: How do I add a new location to my Google My Business profile?
A: To add a new location to your Google My Business profile, open your Google My Business dashboard, click to open the Manage Locations tab, click the Add Location drop-down tab, and select Add Single Location. Follow the prompts to enter the information for your new business location.

Q: How do I verify multiple locations on Google My Business?
A: To verify multiple locations on Google My Business, submit for bulk verification in the Manage Locations tab. Sign in to Business Profile Manager on your computer, click on Verifications on the left, select Chain, fill out the form including the business name and parent company if applicable, and submit the form.

Q: Can I add more than two locations on Google My Business?
A: Yes, you can add more than two locations on Google My Business. The process for adding additional locations is the same as adding a new location to your Google My Business profile.

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