Can’t Figure Out How to Delete Photos from Google My Business? Follow These Simple Steps!

Looking to tidy up your Google My Business profile? Well, you’ve come to the right place! We all know that managing our digital presence can be a bit overwhelming at times, especially when it comes to deleting unwanted photos. But fear not, because in this post, we’re going to show you exactly how to delete photos from Google My Business in just a few simple steps. So, say goodbye to those embarrassing snapshots and hello to a polished and professional online image. Let’s dive in and reclaim control of your Google My Business photos!

Understanding Google My Business and Google Photos

Imagine you’re standing in the heart of a digital crossroads—Google My Business to one side, a beacon for businesses seeking visibility, and Google Photos on the other, a haven for memories captured in pixels. Both are powerful tools in their own right, with Google My Business functioning as the digital megaphone for businesses to amplify their presence across Google’s search landscape, and Google Photos acting as a personal archive of life’s moments, accessible from anywhere, at any time.

Businesses often intertwine these platforms, showcasing their products, services, or the charming allure of their premises through the visual storytelling of photos. But there comes a moment when a photo, like a leaf in the wind, must be let go to make room for new growth. It may be a discontinued product line, an outdated storefront image, or simply a desire for a fresh aesthetic. Here’s where the art of decluttering your digital footprint begins, as you take steps to remove these snapshots from your Google My Business listing via your Android ally.

Let’s break down the facts and weave a narrative around the action of deleting photos:

Action Description Consequence
Logging into Google My Business First step in accessing your business’s digital front Prepares you to manage your online visual content
Navigating to Photos Section Where your business’s images reside Selecting the photo that no longer serves your narrative
Deleting the Photo Initiating the removal process with a tap on “Remove” or “Delete” The photo bids farewell to your business profile, but remains in Google Photos
Accessing Google Photos Post-deletion, the photos still inhabit your Google Photos library Freedom to edit, share, delete, or manage your full collection

By removing a photo from Google My Business on your Android device, you’re not erasing its existence entirely. It’s akin to removing a painting from a gallery wall; the artwork is no longer on public display but remains safely in your storeroom, available for you to view or share privately through Google Photos.

While Google My Business, now evolving into Google Business Profile, continues to serve as a digital handshake between businesses and consumers, it’s essential to keep its visual handshake—photos—current and representative. The intertwining of these platforms allows you to manage your business’s image and story, ensuring that what the world sees is exactly how you wish to be portrayed.

As we delve further into the realms of photo management and the implications of such actions, remember that the digital stage is ever-changing. A photo deleted today makes room for a fresh narrative tomorrow, and understanding this cycle is key to maintaining an engaging and up-to-date business presence.

Steps to Delete Photos from Google My Business

In the bustling digital marketplace, your business’s visual storefront on Google My Business can attract a myriad of potential customers. However, the need to curate this visual space often necessitates the removal of outdated or irrelevant photos. Whether it’s an image that no longer represents your current offerings or simply a picture that didn’t quite capture the charm of your establishment, removing such photos is key to maintaining a polished online presence. Let’s walk you through the process:

  1. Access Your Google My Business Account: Begin by signing into your account. This virtual gateway is where you can manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps.
  2. Navigate to the Photos Section: Within your Google My Business dashboard, you’ll find the “Photos” section. Here lies the gallery of images that tell the visual story of your business.
  3. Select the Photo for Deletion: Browse through the collection and identify the photo that no longer serves your business’s narrative. Click on this photo to select it.
  4. Initiate the Removal Process: Look for the option marked “Remove” or “Delete.” This command is your digital eraser, allowing you to tidy up your online imagery.
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As you perform these steps, it’s important to be thoughtful about the impact each image has on your business’s story. The visuals you choose to display should resonate with your brand and connect with your audience, evoking the right emotions and impressions.

Remember, while the image may disappear from the public eye on your Google My Business page, it remains tucked away within your Google Photos library. This ensures that you retain personal access to all your memories, even after they’ve served their public purpose.

Managing your digital presence is akin to curating an art gallery; it requires a keen eye for detail and an understanding of the narrative you wish to convey. By periodically reviewing and updating your Google My Business photos, you ensure that your online gallery remains fresh, engaging, and reflective of your business’s evolution.

With these steps, you are well-equipped to refine the visual aspects of your Google My Business listing, ensuring that each image aligns perfectly with the story you want to tell the world.

What Happens When You Delete Photos from Google My Business?

Embarking on the journey of tidying up your Google My Business visual gallery can feel like a fresh start for your online branding. However, if you’re wondering what becomes of the photos after they’re removed from your listing, it’s akin to clearing out a physical storefront while keeping a personal scrapbook of memories. Although you’ve decided to bid farewell to certain images on your business profile, these snapshots don’t vanish into the digital ether.

When you hit the delete button, the photos disappear from the public eye on your Google My Business page, but they persist in a more private space. If you’ve synchronized your Android device with Google’s services, the photos you’ve chosen to remove will no longer be visible in that context. Yet, they continue to live on in your Google Photos app and on This is a crucial distinction to bear in mind as you manage your online assets.

It’s a bit like magic—poof, the photos are gone from one stage, yet still accessible from another. In Google Photos, you retain the ability to edit, share, delete, or manage these images as you see fit. This dual nature of photo management ensures that while you streamline your business’s public façade, you don’t lose the behind-the-scenes control over your visual content.

However, there’s a caveat to this digital preservation. In accordance with Google’s storage policy, should you become an inactive user for a period extending beyond two years, these photos might be swept away in a virtual spring cleaning. This policy underscores Google’s commitment to maximizing storage efficiency and ensuring active user content receives priority.

Essentially, removing photos from your business listing doesn’t equate to erasing history. It’s more about curating the narrative that your business tells the world while keeping a comprehensive archive for your own reference and use, underscoring the importance of regular digital housekeeping.

How to Free Up Google Storage

In the digital world, the adage “less is more” rings particularly true when it comes to managing your online storage. As a bustling business owner or a savvy netizen, you might find your Google storage brimming with files and memories. If that’s the case, it’s time to summon the powers of Google One, a comprehensive subscription service that not only expands your storage across Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos but also offers a streamlined way to declutter your digital space. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of freeing up your precious Google storage.

Begin your decluttering journey on an Android device by launching the Google One app. Here, you’re greeted by a visual snapshot of your storage status. At the bottom, tap on Storage, which serves as your command center for managing your Google universe. Now, it’s time to roll up your digital sleeves and sort through the virtual piles.

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With a tap on the category you wish to conquer, be it personal files, shared items, or backups, you can meticulously select what stays and what goes. To streamline the process, tap on Filter—a handy tool that sorts your files by size, date, or name, bringing a sense of order to what might feel like chaos.

Once you’ve made your selections, a simple tap on Delete will whisk away those unnecessary bytes, instantly freeing up space and providing you with a breath of fresh storage air. Remember, this isn’t merely about deleting files; it’s about optimizing your digital narrative to reflect the current chapter of your life or business.

As you embark on this journey of digital simplification, bear in mind the golden rule of data management: regular digital housekeeping fosters a more efficient and organized online presence, ensuring your business narrative remains crisp and compelling.

With these steps, you’re not just cleaning up; you’re curating a digital environment that aligns with your real-world evolution. So take a moment to marvel at your now-spacious Google storage, and rest easy knowing that your online world is just as orderly as your freshly tidied desk.


In the tapestry of the modern digital marketplace, your business’s online footprint is as crucial as the quality of services or products you offer. A robust presence on Google My Business is like a beacon that guides potential customers to your doorstep. Hence, curating the visual content that adorns your business listing is not a task to be taken lightly. Just as a shopkeeper might adjust the display window to attract passersby, deleting outdated or irrelevant photos from your Google My Business profile maintains an appealing and professional online facade.

The power of a well-maintained Google My Business profile extends beyond mere aesthetics. It serves as a dynamic narrative of your brand’s story, with each image capturing a chapter of your journey. By periodically pruning your photo gallery, you ensure that this narrative remains engaging and reflective of your current offerings. Remember, every photo is a silent ambassador to your brand, and its relevance can significantly influence customer perceptions and decisions.

Consider each image a brushstroke in the larger picture of your digital reputation. A strategic approach to photo management on Google My Business not only enhances your profile’s visual appeal but also fortifies the trust and credibility your business commands among the digital audience. As you wield the digital shears to trim away the old, you make room for fresh content that resonates with your evolving brand identity.

Adopting regular digital housekeeping practices is not just about decluttering; it’s about intentionally crafting the image that you present to the world. By taking the reins and actively managing your online presence, you demonstrate to customers that you are attentive and adaptable—qualities that are highly valued in the ever-changing landscape of commerce.

As we delve deeper into the intricate dance of managing a business online, let us remember that each photo deletion, each update, and each refinement is a step towards a more polished and effective online presence. So, take a moment to review your online gallery, remove what no longer serves your brand’s story, and in doing so, pave the way for a new chapter of business growth and customer engagement.


Q: How do I delete photos from Google My Business?
A: To delete photos from Google My Business, follow these steps:
1. Open the Google Photos app on your Android device.
2. Sign in to your Google Account.
3. Tap on “Library Trash” at the bottom.
4. Select the photo or video that you want to delete permanently.
5. Click on “Select” at the top left.
6. Tap on “Delete” and choose “Delete permanently”.

Q: Can I delete photos from Google My Business using an Android device?
A: Yes, you can delete photos from Google My Business using an Android device. Simply follow the steps mentioned above.

Q: Is it necessary to sign in to my Google Account to delete photos from Google My Business?
A: Yes, signing in to your Google Account is necessary in order to delete photos from Google My Business. This ensures that you have the necessary permissions to manage your business photos.

Q: Can I recover deleted photos from Google My Business?
A: No, once you delete photos from Google My Business and choose to delete them permanently, they cannot be recovered. It is important to be cautious when deleting photos to avoid permanent loss.

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