Can I Change My Email Address on Google My Business? A Comprehensive Guide to Updating Your Business Profile

Are you stuck with an outdated email address on your Google My Business account? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many business owners find themselves in this predicament, wondering if they can ever change their email address and regain control over their online presence. Well, the good news is that you absolutely can! In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of changing your email address on Google My Business, step by step. So, let’s dive in and unlock the door to a more streamlined and professional online presence!

Understanding Google My Business

Embarking on the digital journey, businesses often encounter the pivotal platform of Google My Business (GMB), a beacon for enhancing online visibility. This robust tool not only ensures that your business appears in Google Search and Google Maps but also serves as a conduit for engaging with customers and distinguishing your business in the crowded marketplace. Navigating GMB might spark the question: “Can I Change My Email Address On Google My Business?” While it’s true that directly altering your email address tied to Google is not an option without creating a fresh account, there are workarounds that can be employed to maintain your GMB account efficiently.

Fact Details
Google My Business Account Enables engagement with customers and editing of business information on Google Search and Maps.
Free Business Tool Your Business Profile on GMB is a complimentary feature for managing your business’s online presence.
Google Business Email Business email can be accessed via the Business Email page and clicking ‘Go to Gmail’.
Multiple Managers GMB listings can have multiple managers, all of whom can edit the business information.
Name Change Google My Business has been rebranded as “Google Business Profile”.

Imagine setting up a digital storefront on the world’s busiest street — that’s what managing your business on Google can feel like. Editing, updating, and making changes to your Google business listing is akin to rearranging your window display for the endless stream of potential customers passing by. It’s as simple as logging into your Google My Business account and making sure you’re signed in with the correct Google account associated with your business.

It’s noteworthy that GMB listings are a treasure trove for small businesses, offering a platform to showcase their unique offerings free of charge. Moreover, for those wondering how to tap into their Google business email, a swift visit to your Business Email page followed by a click on ‘Go to Gmail’ will usher you into your business communications hub.

The distinction between Google Business and Google My Business, now known as Google Business Profile, is more than just a name change. It signifies Google’s continuous commitment to streamlining the way businesses manage their online presence, making the process more intuitive and directly integrated with Google Search and Maps.

Remember, while you may not be able to directly change the email address linked to your GMB account, you can add new users or managers, ensuring that the right team members have access to manage and update your business information. This flexibility allows multiple individuals to keep your business details accurate and responsive to customer inquiries, all without the need to juggle multiple email accounts.

In the subsequent sections, we’ll dive deeper into the nuances of transferring ownership of your Google Business Account and how to keep your business profile up-to-date, ensuring that you can navigate these changes with ease and continue to thrive in the digital landscape.

Transferring Ownership of Google Business Account

Imagine you’re passing the torch of your thriving business to a trusted partner or selling your entrepreneurial venture. In the digital realm, this transition involves transferring the virtual keys to your online presence, particularly your Google Business Account. This is not only a significant gesture symbolizing trust and continuity but also a crucial step in maintaining the brand’s legacy on Google’s platforms.

To set this pivotal process in motion, the current primary owner must initiate the transfer. Begin by signing into your Google Business Account with the sober understanding that you’re about to make a substantial change. Navigate to the “Users” section, which is the hub of access and control. Here, you’ll see a list of individuals who are part of your business’s digital story – managers and co-owners alike.

Within this nexus of control, locate the individual you’ve chosen to be the new steward of your online business profile. This person’s role is about to evolve significantly. Click on their name and then press the “Make Owner” button, a simple yet transformative action. This confirmation is the digital equivalent of handing over the keys to your business’s online kingdom.

Once you’ve completed this step, the recipient of the ownership will receive a notification. Their ascent to the role of primary owner is not clandestine; transparency is maintained throughout the process. The transfer of ownership does not take effect in the shadows but in the clear light of Google’s structured protocol.

It’s important to note that while the ownership transfer is taking place, the business’s online presence remains unaffected. The handover is seamless, ensuring that customers continue to engage with your business without any hiccups or interruptions. The new owner will have the same capabilities to manage the profile, including responding to reviews, updating information, and using insights to drive business strategy.

With the new primary owner in place, they can now steer the ship, ensuring the business continues to flourish on Google Search and Maps. This changeover is not an end but a new beginning – a fresh chapter in the business’s digital story.

The process is straightforward, efficient, and designed to ensure that the digital transition mirrors the professionalism of your business dealings. Remember, this is more than just a procedural step; it’s a strategic move ensuring the continuity and growth of your business in the online landscape.

As you prepare to pass this digital baton, do so with the confidence that your business’s Google presence is in capable hands, ready to embrace the future and continue thriving in the ever-evolving online marketplace.

Updating Your Business Profile

Imagine your Google Business Profile as the digital storefront to your business – it’s often the first point of contact between you and your potential customers. In today’s fast-paced digital world, an outdated profile is like a dusty window turning customers away. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that your business information is accurate and up-to-date, reflecting the very best of what you have to offer.

Once your Business Profile has been verified, the power to shape your business’s online narrative is at your fingertips. You can update critical details such as your address, which is vital if you’ve recently moved or expanded. Adjust your operating hours to communicate availability, especially during holidays or special events, so customers know exactly when they can engage with your services. Moreover, refreshing your contact info and adding vibrant new photos can invigorate your profile, making it more appealing and informative.

Creating an Alias Email Address

While you may want to change the email address associated with your Google Business Account, it’s important to note that Google currently doesn’t allow for a direct replacement of your primary email. However, a practical workaround is to create an alias email address or a disposable account. This can streamline communications without the need to overhaul your entire account setup, ensuring that important notifications and inquiries are never missed.

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Managing Multiple Google My Business Listings

Entrepreneurs juggling multiple ventures need not fret. If you are at the helm of several legally distinct businesses, Google has made it convenient for you to manage multiple listings under one account. This is a boon for efficiency, provided that each business has its own unique name and phone number. Even if these businesses share the same address, Google’s flexible system allows each one to carve out its own space in the online marketplace.

By keeping your Google Business Profile polished and precise, you not only maintain your professional online presence but also enhance your visibility and credibility. This ongoing curation is a vital part of the digital dance that keeps your business in step with customer expectations and ahead of the competition.

Taking Over Ownership of a Service-Area Business

Imagine you’ve just acquired an established plumbing business servicing a bustling city neighborhood. You’re eager to make a splash online, but there’s one hurdle: the company’s Google My Business (GMB) profile is still under the previous owner’s control. Worry not, because taking over ownership of a service-area business on Google My Business is a process designed to be as smooth as a new pipe installation.

To embark on this digital transition, you’ll need to reach out to the current owner through the Google My Business platform. Here’s how you can assert your new role as the captain of your online ship:

  1. Begin by navigating to
  2. Enter the precise details of your business, ensuring every piece of information reflects the current status of your newly acquired venture.
  3. Click Continue to move forward with the process.
  4. A crucial step awaits—verification. Google may require you to verify your claim to the business through various means, but often, a postcard sent to the business address with a verification code is the key to unlocking your online presence.

Once you’ve completed the verification, it’s a waiting game. You’ll encounter a message informing you that someone else has already verified the profile. But fear not, for this is but a minor pause in your journey. Simply click on Request access and fill out the form with the required details. Finally, hit Submit to send your request soaring through the digital ether.

The current owner will then receive a notification of your request. If they recognize your claim as the new proprietor, they can grant you the ownership rights, passing the digital torch to you. This seamless process not only ensures that the rightful business owner maintains control but also protects businesses from unauthorized claims. It’s the digital equivalent of changing the locks for your business’s front door—ensuring that only you have the keys to your online kingdom.

Should the current owner not respond within a reasonable timeframe, Google may step in to help facilitate the transfer. It’s a safeguard ensuring that your business’s online continuity is upheld, even if the digital handover doesn’t go as swiftly as planned.

Once you’ve taken the helm, you’ll have the ability to update crucial information, such as your service area, operating hours, and contact details. This is especially important for service-area businesses, where customers may not visit a physical location but need to know you’re ready to serve their area. Ensuring your business’s information is accurate and up-to-date is essential—it’s the beacon that guides customers to your services.

By following these steps diligently, you’ll navigate the transition smoothly, steering your business towards a brighter and more prosperous online presence. Remember, your Google My Business profile is often the first impression potential customers will have, so it’s imperative to manage it with the same care and attention you give to every other facet of your enterprise.

Changing Your Email Address on Google My Business

Imagine you’ve just steered the helm of your business into a new direction, and you’re ready to sail the digital seas with Google My Business (GMB) as your compass. But there’s one small detail that’s as crucial as the North Star to a navigator: your email address. It’s the beacon for customer inquiries, the signal for Google’s verification, and the gateway to managing your online presence. So, when the time comes to change your email address on GMB, precision and careful navigation are key.

Let’s embark on this journey together. Start by setting your course to As the page loads, you’ll feel the anticipation of a new beginning. Enter your business particulars with the confidence of a seasoned captain, and click Continue. Just like a ship leaving port, you’re now on your way to claiming your rightful place in the world of Google My Business.

But hold fast, as the next leg of the voyage requires patience: the verification process. Google may send a postcard to your business address, and while it voyages through the postal system, you’ll have to await its arrival like a message in a bottle. This process could take a few days, but once you enter the verification code, you’ll have full command of your GMB listing.

With your business verified, you’ve now reached the heart of your digital empire. Here, you can update your business’s information, including the critical change to your email address. Navigate to the ‘Info’ section and look for your contact information. With a few clicks, you can update your email address and ensure that the lifeline between your business and your customers is stronger than ever.

Remember, your email is more than just an address; it’s the voice of your business in the digital realm. Keep it clear, accessible, and reflective of your brand. A successful change here means uninterrupted communication with your customers, a seamless experience for them, and a beacon that always guides them back to your business.

As you adjust your sails and set your sights on the horizon, take pride in the knowledge that your GMB listing is as up-to-date as your ambitions. Your journey online is an ever-evolving one, with each update ensuring that your business remains visible and vibrant in the bustling marketplace of the internet.

Now that your email address is updated, you can look forward to smooth seas and a prosperous voyage ahead. But don’t rest on your laurels; there are more aspects of your GMB profile to master, which we will continue to explore.

Adding Multiple Addresses to Your Google My Business Account

Expanding your business footprint can be as thrilling as it is intricate—each new location is a beacon for potential customers and a testament to your business’s growth. And when it comes to online visibility, ensuring that each of your locations is accurately represented on Google My Business (GMB) is crucial. For entrepreneurs and business owners eager to reflect their expanding operations, adding multiple addresses to your GMB account is a process designed with precision and user-friendliness in mind.

First and foremost, before you embark on this digital journey, you must have your primary business location verified with Google. This step is a safeguard, a seal of authenticity that tells the world—and more importantly, your customers—that your business is legitimate and ready to serve.

Step-by-Step Guide to Add a New Location

  1. Begin by accessing your Google My Business dashboard. This is your command center, where you can steer the online presence of your business.
  2. Navigate to the Manage Locations tab, a hub that allows you to oversee all the places your business calls home.
  3. Here, you’ll find the Add Location drop-down tab. Click it and select ‘Add Single Location’ to start the process for one new address, or choose ‘Import locations’ if you’re adding several at once.
  4. With the precision of a cartographer, enter the information for your new business location—every detail from the street number to the zip code must be meticulously provided.
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For those commanding a fleet of locations—10 or more—the process is equally streamlined. Google My Business facilitates the management of multiple locales through the creation of a location group. This feature allows you to manage and update your business information in bulk, ensuring consistency and accuracy across the board.

Creating a Location Group

  • Sign in to Business Profile Manager and select the ‘Businesses’ tab.
  • Choose the appropriate business group from the drop-down menu.
  • Click ‘Add location’ and fill out the details for your new outpost.

Whether you’re planting your flag in a new city or stretching across the country, Google My Maps offers additional functionality to map out multiple locations, providing a broader, more interactive experience for users looking to find you.

Embracing Growth: With each new address, your digital presence blossoms—a reflection of your real-world expansion. By following these steps, you’re not just adding locations; you’re creating new opportunities for connection, engagement, and success.

Remember, as your business evolves, so should your online strategy. With the right approach, your Google My Business account will serve as a dynamic, ever-updating reflection of your thriving enterprise.

Updating Your Google Business Name

Imagine the moment you decide to rebrand your business—the fresh new logo, the excitement of a revamped business strategy, and the eagerness to present this transformation to the world. The next critical step is to ensure that your Google My Business (GMB) listing accurately reflects your new identity. While there’s no strict frequency cap on how often you can change your Google business name, consistency and accuracy are key to maintaining a professional online presence.

When you update your business name, it’s akin to turning over a new leaf. Yet, to truly make the transition seamless for your customers, you must update all pertinent information, ensuring it aligns with your new brand image. It is worth noting that changes such as these are not instantaneous on Google Maps—the process could take up to three days to publish your updated address. During this period of transition, Google Maps diligently displays pins for both your predecessors and successors, a digital nod to your business’s evolution.

Let’s say you’ve just entered your new business name into the system; what happens next is a blend of anticipation and Google’s algorithmic prowess. While the ideal scenario would see your listing updated in under an hour, it’s essential to plan for the maximum duration of three days that Google may take to review and approve your updates. This window allows Google to ensure that all changes are appropriate and fit for the digital maps and searches that guide your customers’ journeys.

Business owners often wonder about the procedure for such an update. It begins with a simple edit to your GMB profile, followed by a verification process to authenticate the change. Post-verification, a ‘Pending’ sign in a bright red hue may grace your dashboard, marking the commencement of Google’s review period. This is a crucial stage where Google ensures the integrity and accuracy of the information provided, safeguarding the user experience for those who rely on Google Maps and Search to connect with your business.

Patience is certainly a virtue in this process, as your digital footprint adjusts to match your physical one. Keep in mind that even the most meticulously planned rebranding efforts will need some time to be reflected across all of Google’s services. It’s an interim where your business’s past and future coexist momentarily in the digital realm. Once the update is complete, your fresh business name will greet customers, ushering in a new chapter for both your brand and your relationship with them.

Remember that these changes are just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to your online strategy. As your business evolves, so too should your approach to managing your digital presence, ensuring your customers always have the most accurate and up-to-date information at their fingertips.


The digital landscape is a constantly evolving frontier, with Google My Business (GMB) at the helm for entrepreneurs seeking to navigate these changes. While GMB might not provide a direct pathway to amend your email address, it opens up a realm of possibilities to maintain a robust hold over your business’s digital persona. The key is to delve into these alternatives with an exploratory mindset and a strategic approach.

Imagine GMB as the digital megaphone for your brand, amplifying your presence and allowing you to resonate with your audience on a grand scale. With each feature, from updating your business name to managing multiple locations, you’re given the tools to sculpt your online narrative. It’s paramount to use these tools not just with technical know-how but with a touch of creativity and foresight.

Managing your online presence is much like conducting an orchestra. Each section must be in harmony with the others, and your business email acts as the maestro’s baton—directing the flow of communication and ensuring a seamless symphony of interaction with your clientele. As such, keeping this aspect of your business updated and accurate is more than just a task; it’s a strategic move towards cultivating trust and reliability.

To maximize visibility and accessibility for your customers, you must engage with GMB’s features in a manner that reflects the evolving ethos of your business. Whether it’s a change in your services or a modification in your contact information, each update you make is a step towards an impeccable digital presence that mirrors the quality and dedication you uphold in your physical operations.

Remember, the realm of online business is not static; it is dynamic and responsive. As you steer your enterprise through the tides of change, keep a vigilant eye on your GMB profile, ensuring it’s always a true reflection of your business’s heartbeat. Embrace this digital journey with patience and persistence, knowing that each meticulous update paves the way for your brand’s story to unfold on the grand stage of the internet.

In the tapestry of the web, where every thread is interwoven with countless others, the consistency and accuracy of your business details stitch together the narrative of your brand’s identity. By mastering the art of managing your GMB account, you weave a stronger, more vibrant presence that stands out in the vast digital expanse.

As we move forward in our digital odyssey, let’s keep in mind that our businesses are not just entities listed online but living, breathing extensions of our passion and dedication. They deserve the utmost attention in every facet of their digital existence. Therefore, stay engaged, stay updated, and let GMB be the compass that guides your business to greater online horizons.


Q: Can I change my email address on Google My Business?
A: Yes, you can change your email address on Google My Business, but it requires creating a new account.

Q: How can I change my email address on Google My Business?
A: To change your email address, you need to go to and enter your business information.

Q: What is the next step after entering my business information on Google My Business?
A: After entering your information, click Continue and complete the verification process. Verification by postcard may take a few days.

Q: Is it necessary to verify my business before changing the email address on Google My Business?
A: Yes, it is necessary to verify your business before making any changes to the address on Google My Business.

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