How to Grant Access to Google My Business: A Complete Guide for Business Owners and Marketing Agencies

Are you ready to take your business to the next level with Google My Business? Well, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we will show you the ins and outs of granting access to Google My Business, so you can effortlessly collaborate with marketing agencies, add new users, and even request access from clients. Whether you’re a business owner or a marketer looking to optimize your online presence, this guide will have you granting access like a pro in no time. So, grab your coffee and let’s dive into the world of Google My Business access!

Understanding Google My Business Access

Embarking on the digital voyage of managing your business’s online presence, Google Business Profile, formerly known as Google My Business, serves as your trusty vessel. This invaluable tool not only streamlines your visibility on Google Search and Maps, but also opens up a channel for engaging with customers and standing out from your competitors. Nevertheless, the intricacies of granting access to your Google Business Profile can be as bewildering as navigating uncharted waters.

In this essential guide, we’ll illuminate the steps to empower your team or external partners, like marketing agencies, with the access they need to optimize your digital storefront. A well-managed profile can be the beacon that guides potential customers to your services or products, and sharing access is a pivotal step in collaborative profile management.

Fact Details
Google My Business Tool A free tool allowing businesses to manage their listings on Google Search and Maps.
Renamed Platform Now called Google Business Profile, enhancing the focus on individual profiles.
Business Visibility Helps businesses engage with customers and showcase unique selling points.
Access Management Business owners can grant profile access to others, facilitating collaboration.
Cost of Listing Creating and managing a Business Profile is free on Google.

Imagine, if you will, a bustling marketplace where every stall is a business vying for attention. Your Google Business Profile is your stall’s banner, fluttering high for all to see. To ensure it waves proudly and attracts the right crowd, you may want to enlist the help of skilled artisans—or in today’s terms, trusted employees or a savvy marketing agency. But first, they need the key to the city—the ability to access and enhance your digital storefront.

Fear not, for this guide is your map to the realm of access management, where you’ll learn not just to grant access, but to do so with precision and strategy. After all, who you allow behind the counter of your virtual shop can dramatically impact your success. With careful delegation, you can focus on crafting the narrative of your brand while others fine-tune the details that make your business shine in the ever-expanding universe of Google.

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the step-by-step process of granting access to your Google Business Profile, ensuring that you maintain control while amplifying your online presence.

Steps to Grant Access to Google My Business

Embarking on the journey of granting access to your Google My Business profile can feel like navigating through a labyrinth of digital pathways. But fear not, as the process, though meticulous, is designed to safeguard your business’s digital storefront. Before we tread into the specifics, let’s illuminate the cast of roles one may encounter: the Owner, the steadfast guardian of the profile; the Manager, the trusted lieutenant with ample privileges; and the Communications Manager, the voice that echoes across the digital expanse, albeit with a lighter touch on administrative controls.

With a clear map of roles in hand, follow these steps to extend the olive branch of access, ensuring that your collaborators can help enhance the online presence of your business:

  1. Begin by signing into the Business Profile Manager. This is your command center, where all pivotal decisions regarding your business profile are made.
  2. Once inside, navigate to “Manage invites”, a hub for all pending access inquiries and invitations.
  3. Here, you’ll find the “Request access” button. This powerful feature allows you to invite others to join your team and contribute to your business’s profile.
  4. Proceed to search for your business name and select the appropriate profile from the list that materializes. This step is a beacon, guiding your chosen collaborators to the correct digital domain.
  5. Finally, designate which business group the profile should be annexed to. This act of categorization is vital, ensuring that your business’s narrative is woven into the right tapestry of your digital empire.

In the grand tapestry of digital marketing, every click, every decision, is a stitch that binds the story of your business. And thus, the act of granting access becomes a pivotal moment in crafting that narrative. With these steps, you can weave new threads into your business’s online presence, each one a potential connection to a customer or a chapter in your business’s ongoing saga.

Remember to consider the roles carefully, as each comes with its own set of permissions and levels of access. The Owner can wield the full array of tools, the Manager can perform a wide range of tasks, and the Communications Manager can engage with customers and represent your business’s voice. Choose wisely, for these individuals will become the architects of your online presence, shaping how your business is perceived in the vast digital landscape.

By following these steps with precision and care, you will maintain control over your digital storefront while amplifying your business’s online presence through collaborative efforts. Remember, the power to grant access is a testament to trust and strategy in the digital age.

Granting Access to a Marketing Agency

When the time comes to open the digital doorways of your Google Business Profile to a trusted marketing agency, the process is akin to entrusting a key to a gatekeeper of your online kingdom. It’s a move that can amplify your business’s reach, leveraging the expertise of seasoned marketers. Let’s navigate this path together, ensuring a smooth transition of access.

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Firstly, you’ll need to obtain the agency’s Location ID number, a unique identifier that ensures you’re granting access to the correct entity. This is a crucial step—much like knowing the name of a guest you’re expecting, to avoid any mix-ups at the reception.

  1. With the Location ID in hand, sign in to your Google account associated with your business.
  2. Select the business listing you intend to manage collaboratively with the agency.
  3. Once you’re in, steer your way to the Users section—this is where you can see who currently has their hands on the reins of your profile.
  4. Invite your marketing agency by clicking on the invite users icon (which typically looks like a plus or an envelope), opening a portal for new collaborators to join in.
  5. Here, you will enter the provided Location ID of your marketing agency, ensuring you’re adding the correct custodian.
  6. It’s time to assign their role. A manager role is a balanced choice, offering ample permissions for marketing maneuvers without handing over complete control.
  7. Finally, send the invite. A virtual handshake that initiates the partnership and begins a journey towards growing your online presence.

As you extend this invitation, it’s essential to keep in mind that the agency’s role should align with your expectations and needs. The manager role should suffice for most marketing activities, allowing them to post updates, respond to reviews, and access insights—without the ability to remove the listing or manage user roles.

Remember, this collaboration with your marketing agency is not set in stone; you retain the power to modify roles or revoke access should your business direction change. It’s the beauty of Google Business Profile’s flexible management structure, designed to adapt to your business’s evolving narrative.

By following these steps, you’re not just sharing access; you’re fostering a partnership that can propel your online presence to new heights, with the assurance that you remain in ultimate command of your digital domain.

Adding a New User to Your Google Business Account

Embarking on the journey of digital collaboration, adding a new user to your Google Business account is a pivotal step towards expanding your brand’s online influence. Whether it’s a trusted marketing agency or a new member of your team, providing them with access is akin to handing over the keys to your digital storefront. To ensure a seamless transition, follow these detailed steps:

  1. Begin by signing into your Google My Business account, which acts as the command center for your online business profile.
  2. Navigate to the Users section, where you can oversee who has the power to influence your business’s online narrative.
  3. Spotlight the “Add new users” button and click with purpose, knowing you’re about to enhance your team’s capabilities.
  4. Enter the email address of the individual or agency you’re inviting into your digital realm, ensuring it’s keyed in accurately to avoid any missteps.
  5. Confronted with the choice of assigning a role, ponder whether they’ll be an owner, manager, or communications manager. Remember, a manager’s role is often the perfect balance, granting adequate permissions for marketing endeavors without overstepping.
  6. Finally, click on the “Invite” button, dispatching a digital missive that will beckon them to join your online venture.

As you go through these motions, consider the gravity of each step. By meticulously choosing the right individuals and designating appropriate roles, you not only safeguard your digital domain but also empower your chosen partners to weave the fabric of your brand’s online presence with skill and dexterity. It’s a delicate dance of trust and control, performed on the stage of your Google Business Profile.

And remember, this isn’t an irreversible commitment. The beauty of digital collaboration lies in its flexibility. Should the tides of your business partnership change, rest assured that you can modify roles or revoke access as effortlessly as you granted it. It’s this dynamic capability that ensures your Google Business Account remains a true reflection of your brand’s evolving story.

Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge of how to add a new user, you stand ready to open the doors to collaboration, steering your online presence towards new horizons with a fortified team at your helm.

Requesting Access from a Client

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, being able to navigate the intricacies of online platforms can set you apart as an SEO specialist or marketing agency. One such critical task is requesting access to a client’s Google Business Profile. Whether you’re strategizing for local SEO or managing online reviews, gaining access is the gateway to optimizing a client’s presence on Google.

Imagine you’re at the helm of a campaign, ready to chart a course towards improved search visibility and customer engagement. The first step on this journey is to gain access to your client’s digital storefront: their Google Business Profile. Here’s your roadmap:

  1. Begin by setting sail to This port is your starting point on the quest for access.
  2. Upon arrival, you’ll be greeted with a message indicating that the profile has already been claimed. This is a sign that you’re on the right track.
  3. Press the “Request access” button. It’s akin to knocking on the door of opportunity.
  4. A form will materialize, asking for your intentions. Fill it out with the precision of a cartographer plotting a new map, ensuring every detail is accurate.
  5. Conclude your request by sending it into the vast ocean of the internet with a confident click on “Submit”.

The digital waves will carry your request to the current steward of the profile. And then, you wait, with the same anticipation as watching the horizon for the first glimpse of a returning ship. If favorable winds are with you, the client will grant you access, and your journey towards optimizing their online presence can truly begin.

Remember, this is more than a mere formality. It’s the foundation of trust between you and your client, a partnership that could steer both towards uncharted territories of growth and success. As you await their response, envision the future strategies you’ll deploy, the SEO battles you’ll win, and the heights you’ll reach, all from this pivotal access point.

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Note that the digital sea is ever-changing, and patience is often rewarded. Your request may take time to be reviewed, so keep a steady hand on the tiller and your eyes on the prize.

As you navigate the waters of client collaboration, this process of requesting access is a crucial step in harnessing the full potential of Google’s tools. It’s your key to unlocking a treasure trove of analytical data, customer insights, and the power to cast a wide net across the search engine seas.

Visibility of Your Google Business Profile

Imagine the anticipation after dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s on your Google Business Profile. You’ve painstakingly verified every detail, eager for the moment your business shines in the spotlight of Google’s search results. Yet, sometimes, the stage remains dark a tad longer than expected. It’s common for a freshly verified profile to take a brief interlude—often a few days—before making its grand entrance online.

Why the wait, you may inquire? Let’s illuminate the behind-the-scenes. After verification, your profile embarks on a digital journey through Google’s intricate systems. During this period, the search engine’s algorithms are diligently updating and indexing your information to ensure everything is in order. This meticulous process guarantees that when your profile does appear, it is accurate, complete, and ready to make a lasting impression on potential customers.

However, if your Google Business Profile remains cloaked in invisibility, it’s time to play detective. Various scenarios could be at play. A suspended or disabled profile can plunge your business into the shadows, often due to non-compliance with Google’s guidelines. An unverified profile, still waiting for your confirmation, is akin to an unlit beacon—it simply cannot guide customers your way. And if your profile is labeled as ‘pending’, patience is your ally, as Google is still reviewing your details.

On occasion, the verification itself might be complete, but the digital gears are still turning as Google processes your submission. In such cases, channel your inner virtuoso of patience—it can take anywhere from 10-14 days for your business to take center stage on the search engine platform. This is the standard timeframe for the curtain to rise and reveal your business to the searching audience. During this intermission, ensure you’ve left no stone unturned and that your profile accurately reflects your business’s essence.

For those who’ve crossed the threshold of verification and find themselves waiting, remember to search for your business by name after about a week. This simple act can be the first glimpse of your business stepping into the spotlight. And once it does, the potential for customer interaction and online growth is as boundless as the digital horizon.

As you navigate the intricacies of your Google Business Profile’s visibility, bear in mind that the effort you invest now lays the groundwork for a thriving online presence. Every step taken is a step closer to where search meets success, and where inquiries transform into engagements. Keep the faith, for the digital stage is vast, and your business’s debut is just around the corner.


Embarking on the journey of managing your Google My Business (GMB) profile is akin to planting a seed in the digital realm—one that, with proper care and expertise, blossoms into a vibrant beacon attracting customers. Whether you’re a business owner taking the reins of your online presence or a trusted partner, like a marketing agency, being granted the sacred keys to a GMB account, the process is designed to be straightforward and empowering.

Understanding the nuances of GMB access levels is crucial. It’s like a well-oiled machine, where each cog—be it an owner, manager, or communications manager—plays a pivotal role. Owners wield the power to shape the profile’s destiny, adding and removing managers or other owners as needed, ensuring the ship stays its course. Managers keep the gears turning, engaging with customers and keeping the business information accurate and fresh.

The beauty of GMB lies in its collaborative spirit. The platform understands that a business, much like a story, is not written by a single author. Multiple minds can come together, each bringing their own strengths to the table, to co-create an online narrative that resonates with customers and leads them through your doors.

As you navigate the digital landscape, remember that your Google Business Profile is more than just a listing; it’s a living, breathing space where customer interactions and brand stories unfold. By meticulously granting access and ensuring each user understands their role, your business becomes a symphony of strategic efforts, harmoniously working together to amplify your online visibility and growth.

With each new user added, your business’s story grows richer, and the potential for unparalleled online success becomes ever more tangible. So take this knowledge, apply it with care, and watch as your Google My Business profile transforms into a lighthouse for customers in the vast sea of the internet.


Q: How can I grant access to Google My Business?
A: To grant access to Google My Business, sign in to Business Profile Manager, click on “Manage invites,” and then click the “Request access” button. Search for the business name, select the appropriate profile, and choose which business group the profile should be added to.

Q: How do I approve access to my Google Business Profile for a marketing agency?
A: To approve access for a marketing agency, obtain their Location ID number. Sign in to your Google account, select your business, and navigate to the Users section. Invite the marketing agency, enter the provided Location ID, assign the manager role, and send the invite.

Q: How can I add another user to my Google Business account?
A: To add another user, sign in to your Google My Business account, go to the Users section, and click on the “Add new users” button. Enter the email address of the user you want to add, choose the role (owner, manager, or communications manager), and click on the “Invite” button.

Q: How can I request ownership of a client’s Business Profile to get Google My Business access?
A: To request ownership of a client’s Business Profile, go to or use another method to find the profile. Click continue when you see a message saying someone else verified the profile. Then, click request access and fill out the form before submitting it.

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