How to Find Your Google My Business URL and Create a Short, Shareable Link?

Are you tired of searching high and low for your Google My Business URL? Look no further! In this blog post, we will unravel the mystery behind finding your Google My Business URL and show you how to create a short and shareable link for your profile. Whether you’re a business owner or a curious individual, this guide will help you navigate the ins and outs of Google My Business URLs with ease. So, grab your detective hat and let’s dive into the world of Google My Business!

Understanding Google My Business URL

Imagine stepping into the digital marketplace, where your online presence is your storefront, beckoning customers with its virtual “Open” sign. This is what a Google My Business (GMB) URL offers—a digital pathway leading straight to your business’s heart. It’s more than just a web address; it’s a beacon for potential customers, guiding them to your profile with the simplicity of a click. Within this digital profile, a treasure trove of information awaits: from your business location to the hours you welcome patrons.

A GMB URL is a critical asset for any business, whether brick-and-mortar or purely online, because it amplifies your visibility on the web. It’s your cyber calling card, enabling customers to swiftly glean insights about what sets your business apart. Moreover, your GMB URL need not mirror your business or domain name. Instead, it can be a unique identifier that captures the essence of your brand, making it effortlessly discoverable to those seeking your services or products.

Feature Details
Accessibility Clickable link leading to GMB profile
Business Information Location, hours, and other essential details
Marketing Tool Enhances online visibility and discoverability
Customization Unique URL, not restricted by business or domain name

Envision your GMB URL as a lighthouse, its beam cutting through the foggy expanse of the internet, directing the flow of traffic to your virtual doorstep. This URL is not merely a sequence of characters; it’s a potent symbol of your business’s identity and the digital journey customers embark on to reach you. Embrace the power of your GMB URL and let it be the compass that navigates customers to your brand’s narrative amidst the vast online cosmos.

Remember, your GMB URL is more than a convenience—it’s the cornerstone of your online presence, and with the right strategy, it can be a game-changer for your business. As we delve deeper into the specifics of finding and optimizing your GMB URL in the following sections, keep in mind its significance and the role it plays in connecting with your audience.

How to Find Your Google My Business URL

In the digital age, where your online presence can be as significant as your physical one, your Google My Business (GMB) URL acts as a beacon, leading potential customers to your virtual doorstep. Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or new to the digital marketplace, understanding how to locate your GMB URL is essential. It’s not just a web address; it’s a powerful tool in your brand’s online arsenal. Let’s dive into the simple yet vital journey of discovering your Google My Business URL.

Navigate the Google My Business Interface

Embarking on this quest begins with a visit to your GMB account. Visualize the management page as the command center for your business’s online presence. Access this hub of digital control by pointing your browser to Here, if you haven’t already signed in, click the ‘Sign In’ button nestled in the upper right-hand corner of the page. For those who find themselves already logged in, the ‘Manage Now’ buttons await your click, ready to usher you into your business profile.

Utilize Google Search and Maps for Discovery

Alternatively, the quest for your GMB URL doesn’t have to commence from the GMB site itself. Instead, embark on a search expedition. Type your business name into Google Search or Google Maps, and let the algorithms work their magic. As your business listing appears, it stands as a marker, indicating you’re on the right path.

For those on the move, the Google Maps app serves as a reliable companion. Tap on the ‘Business’ option, which can be found subtly placed at the bottom right of the screen. Here, the world of GMB unfolds at your fingertips, allowing you to select your business with ease if you manage more than one.

Once you’ve navigated to your business profile through any of these routes, you’re one step closer to obtaining the URL that serves as a digital lighthouse for your customers. This unique link is more than just a string of characters; it is the thread that connects the tapestry of your online presence, weaving together your narrative with the journeys of your customers.

Remember, your GMB URL is not just a locator for your clientele; it’s a pivotal touchpoint in your brand’s story. With these steps, you’re well on your way to mastering the digital realm, one click at a time.

READING LIST  How to Grant Access to Your Google My Business Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a Short URL for Your Google My Business Profile

In the bustling digital marketplace, a Google My Business (GMB) profile acts as a beacon, guiding potential customers to your doorstep. To enhance this connection, a short, memorable URL is invaluable. Much like the concise elegance of a business card, a shortened URL for your GMB profile is not just about brevity; it’s about creating an effortless path for customers to reach you. Let’s walk through the steps to craft this vital digital asset.

  1. Start by signing into your GMB profile. Imagine you’re unlocking the front door to your digital storefront.
  2. Click on the “Info” tab located on the left side of the screen. This is where the essence of your business information resides.
  3. Now, look for the @ icon, which sits snugly between your phone number and website link on the menu. It’s here that the magic of customization begins.
  4. Click on the icon to create your short URL. Choose a name that resonates with your brand and is easy to recall, paving a smoother road for customer interactions.

This simplified link not only streamlines your online presence but also serves as a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. Use it on business cards, flyers, and social media to effectively direct traffic to your GMB profile. Remember, in the digital age, your URL is more than a string of letters and symbols—it’s a gateway to your business’s story, an invitation to the world to discover what you have to offer.

With these steps, you’ll weave a stronger connection between your business and its digital audience, ensuring that the journey from discovery to engagement is just a click away. Embrace the simplicity and potency of a short GMB URL and watch as it becomes a pivotal touchpoint in your brand’s online narrative.

Sharing Your Google Profile Link

Imagine unlocking the door to digital discovery for countless potential customers. Sharing your Google profile link is akin to extending a virtual handshake, welcoming visitors to explore your business realm. This simple yet powerful act can significantly boost your online visibility and foster effortless connections with those seeking what you offer. Let’s walk through the steps to ensure your business information is merely a click away for your audience.

  1. Initiate the Journey: Begin by launching the Chrome browser on your Android device. This is your gateway to global reach.
  2. Navigate to Your Destination: Surf to the page that houses your Google My Business profile – the digital storefront of your brand.
  3. Grab the Digital Beacon: Tap on the address bar, a versatile tool not just for URLs but also for quick sharing options.
  4. Engage the Share Function: Select ‘Share’ from the available choices. This is where the magic happens, turning your URL into a mobile emissary.
  5. Choose the Vessel: Finally, send the page to your desired device or platform. Whether it’s a direct message, an email, or a social media post, your profile link is now poised to reach new and existing customers alike.

By sharing your profile link, you invite engagement and interaction. Each click is a potential customer, each share a possible endorsement. It’s not just about being found; it’s about being remembered and chosen. Place your Google My Business URL on your business cards, include it in your email signature, and embed it in promotional materials. Turn every pixel of your shared link into a path that leads straight to your virtual doorstep.

With these simple steps, you transform the URL from a static line of text into a dynamic conduit for business growth. Your Google profile link isn’t just a string of characters; it’s a lifeline to your online presence, a thread that weaves through the fabric of the internet to sew success into your business narrative.

Remember, the ease with which you share your link reflects the ease with which customers can engage with your business. So, share it wisely, share it well, and watch your digital footprint expand.

Changing Your Google My Business URL

Imagine you’ve crafted the perfect brand message, your marketing materials are ready, and you’re all set to make a splash in the digital marketplace. But there’s one piece of the puzzle that’s still not quite fitting: your Google My Business (GMB) URL. It’s not as polished as it could be, or perhaps it no longer aligns with the evolved vision of your brand. Don’t fret—changing your GMB URL is within reach and can be the final touch in harmonizing your online identity.

Before diving into the specifics, it’s important to recognize the impact of a succinct, memorable URL on your brand’s digital footprint. It’s not merely a string of characters; it’s a beacon that guides potential customers to your virtual doorstep. A well-crafted URL should resonate with your brand’s essence and facilitate easy discovery.

To begin the transformation, access your GMB dashboard with these steps:

  1. Log into your Google My Business account.
  2. Select the business for which you wish to change the URL.
  3. Navigate to the “Info” tab on the left side of the screen.
  4. Look for the section that holds your current URL and click the pencil icon to edit.
READING LIST  How to Change Your Business Phone Number on Google: A Step-by-Step Guide

When creating a new URL, remember to keep it simple, yet reflective of your business. Choose a name that is easy to spell and pronounce, ensuring it sticks in the minds of those who encounter it. Once you’ve settled on the perfect URL, submit your change. Note that your new URL will need to be unique and not already in use, and it may be subject to review by Google to ensure it meets their guidelines.

After updating your URL, it’s essential to consider the ripple effect of this change. Update all marketing materials, both digital and physical, to reflect your new GMB URL. Share the update with your audience through social media, email newsletters, and other communication channels. By taking these steps, you ensure a seamless transition and maintain the integrity of your brand’s narrative.

Remember, the purpose of your GMB URL is to make the path to your business as clear and simple as possible. Like a lighthouse guiding ships to shore, your GMB URL should stand out in the vast sea of digital content, directing customers to you with ease and precision.

While the process of changing your GMB URL is straightforward, its implications are far-reaching. A URL that echoes your brand’s story can serve as a potent touchpoint in your marketing efforts, leading to increased recognition, engagement, and ultimately, business success.

Take this opportunity to reassess and revitalize your online presence, ensuring that every element, including your GMB URL, is a true representation of the unique identity and value proposition of your business.

Maximizing Your Digital Storefront with a Google My Business URL

In the bustling digital marketplace, your online presence is akin to a vibrant storefront on Main Street. The Google My Business URL is the beacon that guides customers to your virtual door, offering them a glimpse into your brand’s world. This digital touchpoint is more than just a web address; it’s a critical connection between your business and the community it serves.

Imagine your GMB URL as the digital embodiment of your brand’s handshake—firm, friendly, and inviting. It’s the first step in establishing a relationship with your audience, an opportunity to make a stellar first impression. With just a simple click, potential customers are transported to a realm where your products or services shine, your business story unfolds, and your value proposition resonates. It’s a space where interactions begin and trust is built.

As the digital landscape evolves, so too should your strategies. A well-optimized GMB URL is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. It’s the thread that weaves through the fabric of online searches, local directories, and social media platforms, strengthening your business’s online tapestry. In a sea of competitors, a memorable and descriptive GMB URL can be the lighthouse that steers customers your way, away from the rocky shores of confusion and towards the safe harbor of your brand.

Think of your GMB URL as your brand’s digital fingerprint—unique, identifiable, and essential for recognition. It reflects the essence of your business and acts as a swift passageway for customer engagement. By capitalizing on this feature, you empower your business to thrive in the digital realm, ensuring that when customers search for what you offer, it is your name that resonates clearly amidst the cacophony of the market.

Seize the moment to harness the power of your Google My Business URL. Let it be the guiding star that leads customers to discover, interact, and ultimately choose your business. It’s a simple tool, but its impact on your online visibility can be profound—a digital asset that has the potential to transform browsers into buyers, and inquiries into income.

So, as we continue to navigate through the intricacies of online marketing, keep in mind that your GMB URL is not just a link—it’s a lifeline to your business’s future success.


Q: How can I find the page URL for my business location on Google My Business?
A: To find the page URL for your business location on Google My Business, log into your GMB account and go to the Google My Business management page. Click ‘Sign In’ if you are not already logged in, or click ‘Manage Now’ if you are already logged in.

Q: How can I create a short URL for my Google My Business profile?
A: To create a short URL for your Google My Business profile, log into your GMB profile and click the “Info” tab on the left. Look for the @ icon located between your phone number and website on the menu to the right, and click it. Then, create your short URL.

Q: How can I find my Google business website?
A: To find your Google business website, log into your Google My Business account and go to the Google My Business management page. Click on the “Info” tab on the left, and look for the website link provided in the menu to the right.

Q: How can I find my Google My Business URL?
A: To find your Google My Business URL, you can search for your business on Google Search or Maps. Alternatively, you can use the Google Maps app and tap on the Business option at the bottom right. If you have multiple businesses, click on the Down arrow at the top and select the business you want.

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