How to Easily Add a Manager to Google My Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you tired of managing your Google My Business account all by yourself? Well, fear not! Adding a manager to your Google My Business account is as easy as pie. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process step by step, ensuring that you have all the tools you need to delegate tasks and lighten your workload. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to discover the secret to efficient business management on Google. Let’s dive right in and unlock the potential of teamwork!

Understanding the Process of Adding a Manager to Google My Business

Embarking on the digital journey of managing your business’s online presence can be akin to steering a ship through ever-shifting seas. With the plethora of tasks from updating business hours to managing customer reviews, the workload can quickly become daunting. The good news is that Google My Business (GMB), a pivotal tool in this voyage, offers the option to bring aboard additional crew members by adding managers to your profile.

When you delegate responsibilities to a trusted manager, you’re not just dividing the workload; you’re multiplying your business’s potential. These digital first mates can keep the sails of your online presence billowing with fresh content, ensuring that your business listing is as current and engaging as possible. They can respond to reviews with the same care and attention to detail that you would, making your customers feel heard and valued.

Let’s glance at the table below to unravel the roles and capabilities that come with adding a manager to your GMB account:

Role Capabilities Can Add/Remove Users? Can Edit Business Info?
Owner Full access to all features Yes Yes
Manager Limited access, cannot remove the listing Yes Yes

As the table illustrates, a manager on Google My Business wields considerable power to shape the online narrative of your enterprise. They can breathe life into your listing with vibrant photos, compelling posts, and essential updates. Can two people manage a Google business profile? Certainly! The platform allows for multiple captains, each with the authority to navigate and chart the course of the business profile.

Fact: A Google My Business profile can have multiple owners and managers, all equipped to manage the listing comprehensively.

With the sails set and your crew ready, the next steps involve the technicalities of bringing these managers aboard. Following a series of straightforward steps, which will be discussed in the upcoming sections, you can enhance your business’s online presence and reach. This process, while layered with steps, is designed to safeguard your business’s information and ensure that everyone on your team is rowing in the same direction.

Remember, the decision to add a manager should not be taken lightly. Choose individuals who are not only tech-savvy but also embody the ethos of your brand. After all, these managers will become the voice of your business in the digital realm, a responsibility that carries the weight of your reputation.

In the forthcoming sections, we will dive into the specifics of how to add a manager to Google My Business, ensuring you are well-equipped to expand your business’s horizons with confidence and precision.

Steps to Add a Manager to Google My Business

Embarking on the journey to enhance your business’s online presence begins with a few clicks. The process of adding a manager to your Google Business Profile is not just a task; it’s a strategic move towards expanding the digital footprint of your brand. Here’s how to delegate with confidence and invite collaborators to join your online venture:

  1. Log into your lifeline: Start by signing in to your Google My Business account, the nerve center of your online operations.
  2. Navigate your digital space: Select the specific location you wish to elevate with additional management. This is where your narrative unfolds.
  3. Open the gateway to collaboration: Click on the “Users” button, a portal to invite new energy and ideas into your business.
  4. Set the stage for your invitees: Click on the “Invite New Managers” icon, symbolizing the beginning of a new partnership.
  5. Identify your digital ally: Enter the email address of the chosen candidate, the individual you trust to co-author your business’s story.
  6. Define the role: Here’s where you sculpt their path – select the user’s role as either Owner or Manager, each with its unique powers and responsibilities.
  7. Seal the invitation: Click “Invite” and watch as the digital baton is passed, ready to be received with enthusiasm and expertise.

Every step is a pivotal moment in curating the team that will represent your brand’s voice in the vast online marketplace. Choose wisely, act confidently, and soon you’ll witness your business narrative flourish under the stewardship of your new managers.

Adding a Person to an Account in Business Manager

Imagine you have a flourishing garden that you’ve tended with care, and now it’s time to entrust a friend with a set of keys to help nurture this green space. Similarly, when your business blooms online, you may find yourself ready to delegate responsibilities to trusted individuals by adding them to your Business Manager account. This process is akin to extending a key to your digital garden, empowering others to help it grow.

Begin by navigating the digital pathways to Business Manager Settings. Here, you’re the gatekeeper, poised to welcome new caretakers to your online domain.

  1. In the People tab, your eyes will be drawn to the inviting Add button, sitting beneath the column that lists those who are already part of your team.
  2. Click Add with the certainty of someone who’s about to make a strategic move. A window will appear, prompting you to enter the email address of your prospective digital gardener. Remember, the more, the merrier—you can invite multiple individuals to join in the cultivation of your digital presence.
  3. As you assign a role to each person, ponder their strengths. Will they be a general overseer or a specialist in a particular section of your garden? If you’re not ready to decide, you can click Skip for now. They can still enter the garden, but they won’t have a specific patch to tend to just yet.

With each invitation sent, you are one step closer to assembling a team that will work in harmony to nurture and expand your business’s online visibility. Just as a garden needs a variety of hands to tend to its diverse flora, your Business Manager account thrives with the addition of skilled individuals, each bringing their unique expertise to the table.

It’s critical to note that the roles you assign come with varying levels of access and control—choose wisely to maintain the balance of power within your digital ecosystem. This step is not the end of the journey; it’s the beginning of a collaborative effort to cultivate a thriving online presence.

As the next sections will explore, the digital garden you’ve carefully built will benefit from the diverse skills of each new manager or owner you add, ensuring that your brand’s voice resonates through every interaction on Google My Business.

Viewing and Accepting Invitations in Google Business

Imagine the anticipation of waiting for a valued team member to join your digital ranks. Once you have extended an invitation to a potential manager to become part of your Google Business profile, the digital relay begins. It’s now in the hands of the invitee to accept this virtual baton. To seamlessly integrate them into your online business squad, they must navigate through the Business Profile Manager to find and respond to your invitation.

Here’s how the acceptance journey unfolds:

  1. Sign in to Business Profile Manager. This is the starting line for the invitee’s path to management.
  2. Direct your gaze to the left-hand menu and click on “Manage invites.” This is the portal where all pending digital handshakes wait.
  3. If the invitee is a digital multitasker, involved in multiple organizations, it’s crucial to select the correct one. Like choosing the right door in a game show, this ensures the prize—manager access—is granted for the right business.
  4. Spotlight the invitation in question and make the decision to click on “Approve” to join forces, or “Decline” if the mission does not align with their goals.
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It’s a moment of empowerment—a simple click that can strengthen your brand’s online management team. Each accepted invitation represents a new chapter in the story of your business, with fresh ideas and perspectives waiting to unfold on the digital stage of Google My Business.

As with any tale of collaboration, the plot thickens with each character that comes on board. It’s imperative to ensure that the narrative of your business is upheld with consistency and professionalism. The approval process is the gatekeeper, ensuring that only those with the right intentions and skillsets are granted the keys to your kingdom.

With the right individuals in place, the story of your business will be told with authenticity and expertise, resonating through every customer interaction and online engagement.

Remember, this is but a single step in the grander scheme of digital management. There are more moves to make, more roles to assign, and more growth to be achieved. Keep your eyes on the prize, as managing your online presence is a marathon, not a sprint.

Adding another Manager to a Facebook Page

In the digital age, empowering your social media fortress is as crucial as fortifying a castle in medieval times. With Facebook being one of the primary ramparts for your online kingdom, assigning the right sentinels—managers and admins—is essential for maintaining the page’s vigor and vitality. Just as a king would carefully select his knights, you must choose your page managers with deliberation and prudence.

To confer the mantle of management on a trusted ally, you must first wield the authority of an admin yourself. The process, akin to a ceremony of trust, unfolds within the realm of Facebook’s user interface:

  1. Navigate to the sacred ground of Facebook and log in with the credentials that bear the weight of your admin role.
  2. Seek the “Settings” tab at the summit of your business page, a dashboard where the gears of your page’s destiny are turned.
  3. In the left column, you’ll find “Page Roles”—a scroll of potential titles and powers you can bestow upon your chosen champions.
  4. Within this section, you can anoint a new page role or adjust the ranks of those already in service. Be it a manager or a different designation, the choice is yours to command.
  5. To affirm this decision, Facebook will request the sacred words—your password—to ensure it is indeed the ruler of the page making the decree.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. The individuals you invite to manage your Facebook page will become the guardians of your brand’s narrative, the craftsmen of customer engagement, and the sentinels against any digital onslaught. Choose wisely, for they will have the authority to cast spells in the form of posts, conjure insights through analytics, and engage in dialogue with your audience—your most valued treasure.

As you weave this new thread into the tapestry of your online presence, ensure that each manager understands their role and the boundaries of their power. This clarity will create harmony within your social media court and prevent any overreach that could disrupt the balance of your digital ecosystem.

Key takeaway: Adding a manager to your Facebook page is a pivotal step in expanding your business’s social media strategy. It is a moment of delegation and trust that should be approached with the same care as any strategic business decision.

With the scepter of knowledge firmly in hand, you are now ready to proceed to the next chapter in your quest for digital dominance, ensuring that your Facebook page thrives under the watchful eyes of its new stewards.

Changing Your Primary Page in Business Manager

In the dynamic world of digital management, your business’s primary page in Facebook’s Business Manager is the flagship of your online presence. It’s the cornerstone of your social media strategy and the face of your brand to the world. There may come a time when you need to pivot your strategy or rebrand, and this will necessitate changing your primary page. The process is straightforward but crucial, so follow these steps to ensure a smooth transition:

  1. Begin by navigating to your Business Manager. This is the central hub where your business assets on Facebook are managed, providing a high-level view of your operations.
  2. Within Business Manager, locate and click on “Business Settings.” This will take you to the area where you can adjust the fundamental aspects of your business setup.
  3. Look for “Pages” in the left column. Here you will find a list of all the pages associated with your Business Manager.
  4. Select the page you wish to crown as the new primary. It’s important to choose wisely, as this page will become the main touchpoint for your audience.
  5. Upon making your selection, click on “Assign Page” and choose “Primary Page.” This action will elevate the selected page to primary status, making it the central element of your business’s Facebook presence.

Remember, the primary page you set will represent the core of your digital narrative, and it is essential to maintain a consistent and professional image across all customer interactions. Changing your primary page is not just a mere switch; it’s a strategic move that can redefine how your business is perceived on one of the world’s largest social media platforms.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that the guardianship of your brand’s narrative is accurate and aligns with your evolving business goals. Whether you’re adding a new product line, targeting a different demographic, or refreshing your brand’s image, changing your primary page in Business Manager is a step you can manage with confidence.

Transferring a Page from One Business Manager to Another

There comes a time in the lifecycle of a growing business when the baton of a Facebook page must be passed to a new Business Manager account. This could be due to restructuring, acquisition, or simply a change in marketing strategy. Whatever the reason, the process is akin to handing over the digital keys to your brand’s online presence with care and precision.

To initiate this transition, navigate to your business page and locate the settings option, usually found on the left sidebar menu. Here, you’ll find the administrative heartbeat of your page, ready to embrace change.

Begin by entering the name or email of the individual you wish to crown as the new admin. As if by magic, a drop-down menu will appear, brimming with suggestions. This is where you can select your chosen one from the digital lineup. Bear in mind, this person should not only have ‘Liked’ the page but also be someone you trust with the mantle of your online brand.

Once you’ve found and selected the right candidate, you’ll see a box next to their name. Here, you are faced with a moment of significance; clicking the admin option is a gesture of trust and empowerment. It’s an important step that symbolizes the transition of stewardship, ensuring that your Facebook page is in capable hands.

With these steps, you’re not just transferring a page; you’re ensuring the continuity of your brand’s digital narrative and the preservation of the hard-earned relationship with your audience. Remember, this process is more than a mere administrative task; it’s a strategic move that reinforces the foundation of your online business strategy.

It is essential to proceed with caution, double-checking each action to prevent any unintended consequences. After all, in the realm of social media, where each click can have a ripple effect, attention to detail is the guardian of your brand’s reputation.

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As you complete these steps, take a moment to reflect on the journey your business page has made and the new horizons it is approaching. Embrace the change with confidence, knowing that your Facebook page’s legacy will continue to thrive under new management.

While the transition is significant, it’s just one chapter in the broader narrative of your business’s social media saga. The continuity and consistency of your brand’s story are paramount, and as such, the next sections will guide you through understanding the roles of owners and managers in Google My Business, as well as the limitations within Facebook’s Business Manager.

Understanding the Roles of Owners and Managers in Google My Business

Embarking on the digital journey of managing a Google My Business (GMB) profile can be likened to steering a ship through the bustling waters of the online ocean. At the helm, owners bear the responsibility of navigating this vessel, ensuring that every aspect of the business’s online presence is as sharp and efficient as the prow of a well-crafted schooner.

As an owner, your powers extend far and wide. You are the gatekeeper, with the authority to add or remove profiles, edit business information, and manage user permissions. Your role is pivotal in shaping the narrative of your business’s digital saga, a tale told across customer reviews, service listings, and the visual allure of images depicting your trade.

Just as a captain relies on a trusted crew, GMB allows the enlistment of managers to share in the voyage. These individuals, armed with capabilities nearly mirroring those of the owner, serve as the operational backbone. A manager’s quiver is full of tools for daily management: they can optimize the listing, add services, craft engaging posts, upload images, and respond to reviews. Their role is to maintain the rhythm of customer interaction, ensuring that the business’s story is not just told but also resonates with its audience.

It’s important to recognize that, while managers wield considerable influence, only owners possess the unique power to add or remove users. This distinction is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of your GMB profile. As such, each page in your business’s online narrative is written with a collaborative spirit, but safeguarded by the discerning oversight of its owners.

The question of whether two individuals can jointly steer the ship often arises. The answer is a resounding yes. GMB is designed for a team approach, allowing multiple owners and managers to work in concert. This collaborative effort ensures that the business’s online presence is not only sustained but thrives through collective expertise and dedication.

In this digital era, where every interaction contributes to the overarching story of your brand, understanding the roles within Google My Business is not just advantageous—it’s imperative. Recognizing the delineation between owners and managers helps in orchestrating a harmonious narrative that captivates and engages your audience, ultimately charting a course towards success.

Limitations in Facebook’s Business Manager

While navigating the digital seas of social media management, one must be mindful of the tools at their disposal. In the case of Facebook’s Business Manager, a platform designed to streamline the control of ad accounts and Pages, a notable restriction presents itself.

Consider the scenario of a burgeoning brand eager to expand its social media presence across multiple product lines or services. A question arises: “How many Business Manager accounts can one create on Facebook?” The answer, however, might not align with ambitious marketing strategies. On Facebook, a user is limited to creating no more than two Business Manager accounts. This boundary could potentially constrict businesses planning to cast a wider net over Facebook’s user-rich waters.

Understanding this limitation is pivotal when mapping out your brand’s online narrative. It forces a strategic approach to account management, ensuring that each Business Manager account is optimized for maximal impact. If your brand’s story branches into various chapters, each requiring a distinct Business Manager account, you must craft a plan that aligns with Facebook’s constraints without stifling the growth of your online saga.

This limitation contrasts with the more accommodating nature of Google My Business, which allows for multiple managers to coalesce in harmonizing a business’s online presence. The difference in approach between these platforms underscores the importance of a well-informed strategy when assigning roles and responsibilities to your social media team.

Adapting to Facebook’s stipulation means making thoughtful decisions about who should have access and control within the two Business Manager accounts allowed. Whether it’s the savvy social media specialist or the meticulous marketing manager, their roles must be defined with precision to navigate within the boundaries set by Facebook, while still aiming for the zenith of online engagement and brand reputation.

As we delve further into the nuances of digital domain management, we’ll explore how to adeptly handle these limitations and sail smoothly through the process of adding another manager to a Facebook Page.


In the intricate dance of digital marketing, where every step and turn can mean the difference between obscurity and spotlight, the role of a manager in your Google My Business (GMB) or Facebook Business Manager account becomes the linchpin of success. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a fledgling startup, the decision to appoint a trusted manager can revolutionize the way your business commands attention online.

Imagine the online world as a bustling marketplace, where every stall is vying for the customer’s gaze. Your business, amidst this chaos, is a beacon of trustworthiness and reliability. But to maintain this image, your online presence must be meticulously curated – a task made lighter by the addition of a capable manager. They are the custodians of your digital storefront, ensuring that your brand’s message is clearly communicated, and that your business details are as fresh as the morning’s catch.

With a manager on board, you can rest assured that your business information is accurate, your customer interactions are handled with care, and your brand stays vibrant in the ever-changing online landscape. The collaboration between multiple owners and managers, like a well-rehearsed symphony, can lead to a harmonious online presence that resonates with customers and keeps them coming back.

By sharing the reins of control, you empower your team to act swiftly to market dynamics, update promotional materials in real-time, and engage with your audience in a way that fosters loyalty and trust. This unity in management not only enhances your online visibility but also solidifies your credibility in the digital space.

It’s crucial, however, to remember that the power of collaboration comes with the need for strategic planning, especially when navigating platforms like Facebook that impose certain limitations. But with the right people in place and a clear understanding of each role, your social media fortress will stand tall against the tides of competition.

As our expedition through the realms of GMB and Facebook Business Manager draws to a close, remember that the journey of managing your online presence is perpetual and ever-evolving. The addition of a manager is not the end, but a new beginning to unlocking the full potential of your business’s online persona. Stay tuned as we venture further into the nuances of digital management and continue to unveil the secrets of a successful online presence.


Q: How do I add a manager to Google My Business?
A: To add a manager to Google My Business, sign in to your profile, open the location you want to manage, click on the “Users” button, and then click on the “Invite New Managers” icon. Enter the email address of the person you want to add, select their role (Owner or Manager), and click “Invite.”

Q: Can a Google My Business profile have multiple owners and managers?
A: Yes, Google My Business profiles can have multiple owners and managers. Each owner has the ability to add or remove profiles, edit business information, and add or remove users. Managers can also edit business information.

Q: What can owners do on a Google My Business profile?
A: Owners on a Google My Business profile have the ability to add or remove profiles, edit business information, and add or remove users. They have full control over the profile and its settings.

Q: What can managers do on a Google My Business profile?
A: Managers on a Google My Business profile can edit business information. They have the ability to make changes to the profile, such as updating contact details, business hours, and photos. However, they do not have the same level of control as owners and cannot add or remove profiles or users.

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